I dont think trump is behaving differently then the leaders of Nazi Germany in the 1940's. He is targeting minorities. He is threatening other countries with war. I think America should be very carefull who they vote for.
Pretty sure calling all Mexicans murderers and rapists is racist, that he refuses to disavow the neo-nazis's supporting him kinda hints at his ideals. He may not be saying it but he sure is acting it.
Re: Trump - Republican Canidate? Now moose how can you be against trump? Right now there really isn't a difference between the two parties. Both are helping Obama with his radical agenda. A trump win will change the gop back to what it supposed to represent. Gop is not listening to the people. The powers at be presume we the voters don't know what we want and steer the party in a different direction. Middle class is shrinking because of that and the independents have been feeling the noose. I agree with closing the borders. I agree that if you came here illegally then you need to be found and sent home. I agree that all Muslims should be banned from entering my country until the process is fixed. I can't walk across the Canadian boarder illegally. Hell you guys don't let DUI offenders into your county, but Trump gets flack for saying that we should not let people that want Christians dead in the USA. Call me a bigot I don't care but I want my country, state, city, neighborhood, home,and family safe. I don't want to walk into a store and a terrorist opens fire. We need to find them, extract info, and then kill them. Send a message. One of the best statements I've heard so far....."So it's ok they can kill us and you guys will have a problem if we kill them? I don't think so". France closed their boarders and I don't hear the moaning about that. Screw the world and what they think about us. The constitution is there to PROTECT the American citizens NOT the illegal immigrants and or enemy combatants. BAN ALL MUSLIMS and if the masques are not helping find those crazies them close them down too. BAN THEM ALL.
Re: Trump - Republican Canidate? you sound like a certain german leader that held the title "Reichskanzler".
Good and I don't care if it offends you. If you think I'm wrong then move them into your neighborhood
we have a few in our village (130~). never had any problems with them. and if you're happy about being compared to the Reichskanzler.. well. i guess thats nice for you.
On your point of illegal immigration. I don't agree that we should build up Mexico economically. Reason is that jobs would be imported there by corporations for cheap labor and tax cuts, thus shrinking the middle class laborers and dropping them into the unemployed. The constitution does state if you were born on US soil you are a citizen but only if you were brought here legally. Foreign Embassadors children born on US soil are not citizens. This is why the dems are fighting this in order to get more votes. Sorry if your parents were not citizens when you were born here you got to go. Mexico requires college degrees in your resume and wealth in order to become citizens. Why should we take mexicos dregs? Mexican president said that they don't want the illegals back I can only assume that when we ship them back Mexico will send them our way again. On your point about who helped us to be a country. When we joined WW2 and liberated Europe I think we paid that debt back so bringing it up really is a mute point.
Where in the U.S. Constitution is that caveat to birthright? People that were born on US soil are U.S. citizens. Period. There is no extra requirement that the parents had to be legally present. Foreigners born to diplomats in embassies are not U.S. Citizens because embassies are not considered U.S. soil. This is as ridiculous as that earlier idiot who decided that even people born in Europe with European citizenship weren't really Europeans. You must support Trump, you have as much understanding of law and reality as he does.
The terrorist in France were not from the refuge camps in Syria. They are settling in to Canada really well a couple thousand arrived this week. The Donald can't stop a migrant due to religion. Section 9 US constitution. He can stop countries from migration and Canada has pulled embassies from Iran and Syria. This is prolly the only time for years to come any Syrians will be allowed to apply for Canada. I think The Donald will win. I think he's a better option than Hillary. What amazes me is that the American public are so naive as to take either serious. Truly astounds me. How'd get so dumb America? When Donald gets in it will be good for gun sales, as although; America was shocked to find our zombies aren't real, these terroriestas reeeely are. A fifty cal with the hundred round clip autta doer. In zombie cammo of course
Constitution is only for the citizens of USA. We can block anyone from entering for any reason. Why do you think the dems are fighting this now ? I don't think you fully understand America. We the vast majority don't care what other citizens of other countries think of us. Never have never will. We don't care if your refugees are fitting in nicely. You would of never taken them before this anyways but go ahead take them now. Gun sales will always be there, it's our right. NOBODY not even other countries can take them away. Obama is a nightmare. Please take him. Oh but if he wasn't president you wouldn't allow him to cross your boarder because of his past habits.