Trump prostesting gone too far??

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lirik, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. I know a guy from Australia that said Trump is the complete anti-politician that cannot be bought out by special interest groups, and the liberal media builds against him because they are afraid that he will be great.

    Basically, that means everything you said is incorrect.

    Sucks. But, hey. All you sheep are gonna make this face soon....

  2. Tbh trumps policies metaphorically spit on the american flag, so they were probably trump supporters rather than trump protestors ;)
  3. That is metaphorically incorrect.

    Flag burning is anti-American regardless of how you want to label it.

    Policies that get voted into rights/laws...

    That is the American way.

    Nice try though. Trump can't make policies pass as law.

    Nice try though. Your Liberal stupidity grows. Keep up the sherade.
  4. Lol those phrases you just used sounded like several brainwash motos mixed into one :lol: the more I read into republican/conservative policies the more I'd rather drink bleach than live with them in power.

    None of them make sense or seem fair to anyone. Very selfish and immoral views
  5. How is flag burning Un/Anti American? It is the EPITOME of America. It is Freedom. Freedom to express ones discontent. There's only so much you can do by complaining and talking to your officials. Arizona voting fiasco? Yea, nothing getting done about it, YET, we still try.

    If burning an American Flag out of anger gets noticed more than talking at a town meeting, then I'll burn that flag EVERY DAY until things are fixed/discussed.

    I want to help FIX things. I want ANSWERS. I want IMPROVEMENT, yet, I am Un-American. I spit at your notion.
  6. Igcb... Ive not seen u in literally years :eek: and of all times to come back, you defend me? Dang you're making it hard not to blush *insert black moon emoji*
  7. I have no idea who you are.
  8. You're so misinformed, I had to read twice to make sure it wasn't a joke.

    The flag does not stand for the government.

    Trump is not the government.

    The flag has nothing so do with "constitution and laws".

    Leave the country? Who? The oxygen thief's that take my tax dollars and buy 64oz sodas at the gas station in their pajamas every morning? Get real.
  9. That's the best reply I've seen. I'm voting for you.
  10. The Court for decades has recognized the communicative connotations of the use of flags. E.g., Stromberg v. California, 283 U.S. 359"] 283 U.S. 359 (1931). In many of their uses, flags are a form of symbolism comprising a "primitive but effective way of communicating ideas . . . ," and "a short-cut from mind to mind." 283 U.S. 359 (1931). In many of their uses, flags are a form of symbolism comprising a "primitive but effective way of communicating ideas . . . ," and "a short-cut from mind to mind." Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, 632 (1943). On this record, there can be little doubt that appellant communicated through the use of symbols.

    Moreover, the context in which a symbol is used for purposes of expression is important, for the context may give meaning to the symbol. See Tinker v. Des Moines School District, 393 U.S. 503 (1969). In Tinker, the wearing of black armbands in a school environment conveyed an unmistakable message about a contemporaneous issue of intense public concern -- the Vietnam hostilities. Id. at 505-514.

    It may be noted . . . it was a pointed expression of anguish by appellant about the then-current domestic and foreign affairs of his government. An intent to [p411] convey a particularized message was present, and in the surrounding circumstances the likelihood was great that the message would be understood by those who viewed it.

    Spence v. Washington, 418 U.S. 405 (1974).

    A flag is a symbol, which in itself is communication and speech, therefore any person defacing a flag is communicating through use of that same symbol. Some people may say it's disrespectful or abhorrent, but that is proof of the power of the expression. It would be far more unAmerican and far more disrespectful of the flag to criminalize expression through use of the flag, including burning it.

    TL;DR: Flag defacement is speech and expression, which is why it's protected, even if you don't like it the message it is conveying.
  11. Besides the TLDR, was any of that your own words, or did you just copy and paste your entire post?

    Just curious.
  12. I cited from the Supreme Court case, including the citation (I'm not going full bluebook here). When I copy, I always cite my source.

    I am quoting the cases where SCOTUS discusses the exact issues that people bring up, mostly because these arguments have already been made, and answered. I also like the way they analyze these issues.

    Underneath the citation is my shorter explanation paragraph.
  13. Tafi.

    Trump supporters do not usually go to Clinton and Sanders rallies and cause them to be canceled/postponed. I find it funny that when crazy protesters go to a Trump rally to cause problems Trump somehow gets blamed.. You can say Trump stands for hatred and violence but how often do you see a Trump protester at a Sanders rally causing a fight or another disruption? You don't. You see sanders or Clinton supporters causing problems at a Trump rally. If you support a candidate just go to their rallies and support them. You don't have to go another party's rally to disrupt them.
  14. Bernie and Clinton purposely have their ralllies at the same time as kkk meetings so they're sure all trump supporters are too busy putting their best white sheet on
  15. A young black man went to A Trump rally asking for free hugs, a woman hugged him and started chanting "black is good!, Black is good!... White is better!, white is better!"

    That's all I need to put here
  16. The main problem is people are only looking at the violent side of it to try and make trump look bad. The reality is look at the patriotism on both sides, supporter or protester, look at how much they believe in there cause and mostly haven't voted in 20yrs. The politicians and media are scared of trump and don't want him in the whitehouse. This is why you see only the bad side of trump and never the good. All you trump haters don't realize that the candidate you support has already been a career politician and has the hands involved in messing up the country already.
  17. Out of curiosity, how do you think trump would possibly "eliminate government debt within 8 years"?

    Eliminate meaning to completely remove it, not to remove the deficit (income vs expenditure) which is a massive task in itself.

    Edit: us public debt is currently just over 18TRILLION $.
  18. Yay trump (giggle) definatly dont want a politician with like real experience in the white house (grin) i want an outsider whos never done it before sorta like i would neva want a trained surgeon to do an operation on me (wink)
  19. My moronic comment? Yet you say u have to work your way up from the bottom! The bottom being no skills and wanting same wage as someone that does is entitlement. They feel as though they are entitled to more money. You don't make a valid point. Also with trump you make moronic comment with other countries laughing at us. Idk what rock you crawled out of but have you seen the other leaders that were elected in other countries. Wanting to have a sovereign country ie. Building a wall or whatever it might be means that most people want the border secured and fix immigration. Apparently wanting that now means you're racist. We are already a despised nation and Obama going around apologizing to everyone did nothing to make us less despised. Only less respected. I'm curious who all these countries that despise us are gonna call for help. Maybe iran? North Korea. So according to fish everyone is foolish unless you think like him and his libtard buddies.
  20. Spitting on the flag means they don't agree with the current government and what they are choosing to do, if they seriously hated the country, they would either; leave the country, cause terror or purposely kill - all to harm the country.[/quote]

    Lol. They really do blow things up and kill americans. They also burn the flag. Coincidence? Look who Obama surrounded himself with before he was elected Wright and ayers. They hate the country too and everything it stands for. One of them also blew things up . Too bad they just didn't leave the country. Just like the ones that say they will leave if trump gets elected won't either. That government check is far greater than anything you get elsewhere and other countries won't let you be a citizen as you probably have nothing to offer the place you wanna go.