Funny how I'm only seeing protest at trumps rallies... Those "special" people would be supporting someone else...
He said nice trolling because sander based his insults around the fact that he thought it was trump supporters doing this to the flag, which it wasn't
No. We need to worry about coming closer instead of falling apart. If it's "broken" we need to fix it not throw it away
No one is willing to do those type of jobs because they think they are entitled to making more money for their work than what their skills show
While freedom of speech does not include flag defacing, the Supreme Court ruled in Texas vs. Johnson that it falls under freedom of protest and expression.
Think you may want to reread the ruling on that if the action angers or outrages the community or nation then that action can be punished but if you are burning or burying a worn out flag then your right will be protected
Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989). Flag burning constitutes symbolic speech that is protected by the First Amendment. Yes. By all means, please reread the decision. No matter how offensive it may be to some people, burning or defacing a flag is free speech in the U.S. Burning or defacing the flag of any other country or group is also speech. People may show their displeasure at a terrorist group by burning their flag. If the U.S. considers that legal, but not burning the American flag, the government is effectively enforcing a political opinion. Like in some countries we wouldn't consider free. Burning someone else's flag may be destruction of their property (or even possibly a threat). Burning a flag in certain places, like a highway at rush hour, or someone's private property, may be violations of various sorts. This is when people can be arrested for the act, rather than the speech. However, burning or defacing the American flag is a form of speech, protected by the first Amendment of the Constitution.
Too many people want to choose when they flex their rights. Too many people are ignorant of this fact. That being said, I would gladly defend anyone who does this to the flag. I may not like it, I may not take their side in their beliefs, but I'll be damned if someone threatens attempts to trample the rights of an American Citizen. Too bad a lot of our police don't feel the same way.
Maybe you should read up on the laws as well. In 1989 I believe they set forth the Anti Flag Desecration Act and in 1990 The Courts deemed it UNCONSTITUTIONAL and struck it down. To this day, FLAG BURNING, FLAG DESECRATION IS protected under the 1st ammendment.
The Court addressed that exact issue. "THE CHIEF JUSTlCE's dissent appears to believe that Johnson's conduct may be prohibited and, indeed, criminally sanctioned, because "his act . . . conveyed nothing that could not have been conveyed and was not conveyed just as forcefully in a dozen different ways." Post at 431. Not only does this assertion sit uneasily next to the dissent's quite correct reminder that the flag occupies a unique position in our society -- which demonstrates that messages conveyed without use of the flag are not "just as forcefu[l]" as those conveyed with it -- but it also ignores the fact that, in Spence, supra, we "rejected summarily" this very claim. See 418 U.S. at 411, n. 4." 491 U.S. 397, n.11 Seriously, this was a well written opinion. Anyone interested in free speech or the First Amendment should give it a good read (maybe you could just read the holdings on Spence v. Washington ((a flag desecration case)) and the other cases discussed).
So far I have to say cheese has said it best, you may not like flag burning but don't dont be small minded and take others actions of free speech personally. As for trump running for President, the rest of the world laughs at you. If he makes the white house then you will become a despised nation. Because any country that allows such a fool into an office of such great power must contain many other such foolish subjects. As for glocks moronic comments of 'go flip my burger and bring me a beer' just goes to show your self entitled lifestyle. There is no shame in any job regardless of title. Generally the majority of people have to work their way up from the bottom.
You say don't take people's freedom of speech personally, but yet you say we will be despised based off of who we elect? Hypocrite much?
It seems as though everyone here has selective hearing. Burning the flag doesn't mean they hate the country, it means they hate the government. If they hated the country then they would've done things that affect the country, burning and spitting one 1 flag, doesn't mean the country is going to fall apart. If they hated the country, why would they live in the country? Understandable if they blow up buildings, kill people purposely or keep people hostage. They're trying to affect the country as a whole. Now think about it this way, Donald Trump is running for president, he is currently leading in the polls which means, at the current time, he and whoever else he chooses, are the government. Since the flag represents the government, because the flag represents the constitution and laws of which the government can change, the flag means the government. Spitting on the flag means they don't agree with the current government and what they are choosing to do, if they seriously hated the country, they would either; leave the country, cause terror or purposely kill - all to harm the country.