True, that the use of spies lower my final payout?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheSorrow101, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. To ee and not leak during ee wars so they're accepted.

    You guys aren't in the position to call us stupid when you don't know the slightest about game mechanics.
  2. Basically your end of eb bonus is determined by hold on wait for it the damage you do so that means if you use you spies you finish ebs faster and your bonus will be higher.
    That's simple and a awesome answer hope you all understand my post.
  3. Now if your talking about hte or rotwb those are different as the main source of plunder comes from your attack as my alt makes more during than after the eb.
  4. As a spy build, I will say this is not true️
    I make more total in every eb then my owner and he has less towers then me
  5. I love reading stupid peoples posts. Vals post was correct and easy to decipher. It doesn't lower your plunder directly, but lowers the clans final payout as a % as it recedes the amount of high plunder actions performed overall.
  6. It is NOT true.

    HOWEVER, if you take the eb hte, all attack and hybrids will make very very little from using spies.

    I crunched the numbers for myself some time back and I made

    5.9b per full attack bar
    0.27b per full assas bar

    This will of course differ depending on your build. But overall picture is the same for all attack build and hybrids. A lot in my clan tested this at the time I did too. You will make next to nothing from using your spies! Unless you are a hansel in which case you make more from spies.
  7. Lets use HTE as an example with my attack build.
    All attack actions no spy, 2.5 bil end bonus for 1 unload.
    All attack and spy actions, 2.75 bil end bonus for 1 unload.
    The more you contribute, the more end bonus you get. However as Val stated by me using spys and increasing my share it decreases whats available for other gretels to get at a higher rate for attack actions. 1 action of attack gets roughly 170 mil during eb plus bonus of 100 mil.1 spy action only gets 8 mil of end bonus.
    So using spys decreases plunder avaiable for the clan (gretels only). Hope that makes sense
  8. They will earn you gold, however, it'll be minimal. And on an eb like HTE, you'd be wasting the eb more than you'd be earning
  9. For spy builds, it's optimal to use spies. Attack builds, it's a minimal plunder increase
  10. It will not lower your plunder with spies action, but will earn very little, fb spies maybe equal to 3 hit, but make a lot damage to the eb, therefor the overall payout for eb will be low, therefor the bonus maybe little lower for everyone who hit the eb. That's what I got, maybe I'm wrong.
  11. Above statement is only for attack build, hansel makes a lot more with spies
  12. So when I first seen this thread I laughed and said "idiot". But then I just seen first hand (after paying attention to it) that the use of spies indeed lowered my overall take off HTE by almost 10b!!!

    I don't know how to do all the pictures and stuff here. But on my last HTE I sealed took all items and completed roughly 7.5 FULL unloads. Result was 970 actions and 88.8B total gold

    The seal I used yesterday we were running spies on a strip so I used ONLY troops on EB. After roughly the same amount of troop bars (about 7) and both pots phases and using 0 spies the result was 696 actions and 97.7B total gold!!!

    Almost 300 less actions, no spies used, 10B more total gold!! Now explain that one to me
  13. It's funny how many people are calling other idiots. Why don't you just try unloading on even a few times with spies and a few time without.

    An attack build with 1 spy building is surely doing everyone a disservice in the plunder department by assassing ebs. ^As just staTed by Hit. That is why hte do not allow attack builds to ass.
  14. Thank you pawnhub for making sure I don't use spies anymore on ebs. Now I use them to look at people kingdoms.  spies DO lower plunder for attack build with 1 sos. That is a fact.
  15. We don't generally allow use of spies except for hansels either unless it's your seal. That is why I never really paid much attention to it also. If I seal I run max xstals and spies. Otherwise it's just troops only. Crazy how the payout works.

    And yeah any clans allowing less than spy heavy hybrid builds use spies are taking away plunder from the clan as a whole.
  16. just for attack build! spies on eb lower ur payout  except on ebs with scout/assa bars
  17. I make ~2.6b an unload attacking, and almost 4b with a unload of spies
  18. if I skim, I get almost 2x that
    almost 200m a ass.
  19. maybe a little less
  20. You are a spy build tho. This is more a reflection at Atk builds and Atk heavy hybrids