Thank you. Successful recruitment thread is successful. We have a couple new delinquents ... I mean members!
If you don't meet our stat requirements and you still want to be a part of these lunatics , we do have a sub clan. True Spartans Academy
Diesel speaks the truth! You want to join the TS family (you know you do!) but your stats not at requirement? Then knock on the door at True Spartans Academy. 500 cs required. Must be 18 or up (or really darn close). We will help you learn war and grow you up real strong so you can be a member of TS main. ChiaBat / 709 True Spartans / True Spartans Academy Co-Owner
Hilarious thread, Weezus. Funny as hell! And as an individual who has warred against TS, I promise you they are the real deal. Much respect.