It's just that i follow people back, and they dont say a word to me. I'm like "what is the purpose of this friendship?" lol
I have about 350 something 0o If I've not spoken to someone for very long time I have no idea who it is :/ I just don't ever unfollow, I'm too lazy
It may be scary, but sometimes you have to do it. I mean, OP has 12 friends, all on KaW.... How he can get out of bed I don't know.
Wrong. OP has many many many true friends. Its it that, aside from these chosen 12, they can all go to hell.
you wouldnt know if he did or he hasnt got any . and if his realife people dont play kaw itd be pointless him writting about them here when theyd never see it.
Ok Moose, got it now. Thanks. And Roni, either do you. How do you know he has friends? He could be the main reason PiMD has a bad reputation; his 50 yr. old self, living in his own basement, saying his a 15 yr. old girl...
and like wise could be sayd about you . and it doesnt matter who he is in the outside world. were all the same when we come here playing the game .do drop your labelling people to make your self feel important n clever.