true friends

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by evilstarisdead, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Marine man what the hell? Why did I not get a mention. I thought we were true friends...
  2. i think i will write my best friends thread i have some who needs to know how much they brought sunshine into my life on a cloudy day
  3. Well roni you don't see from our point of view. Those who weren't listed. I forgive my obiwan still my bff.
  4. Thanks roni. Go ahaed andy. Thx bacon
  5. Also im not afraid of bein farmed
  6. Hey!!! Save some marine for me!!!
  7. WHAT IS ACTUALLY STUPID: Y'all feel the need to tell a man what he shall and shall not due concerning a thread about friends. No one caresbwhat you think and certainly not OP.
  8. Oh i am brick. I am. More than u know.
  9. Here comes trouble... Literally
  10. Nothing that worries me.
  11. What do you want us to say good job you got some friends get off AT
  12. Lmao!!! What want you do is shut up. Next this thread is saying thank you for bein a friend. Fucker
  13. Marine shut up before I pin you again
  14. You still havent answered why you didnt use pm.
  15. Lmao brick. U never did. I hit eb. Pm doesnt mean anything.
  16. Wow. This thread turned to crap really really fast. Lol
  17. shut the hell up mosse. U damn idiot mod.
  18. Marine, you noob. Keep failing attacks then you talk crap and act all cool but in reality you are a fat no life bum.
  19. I thought it was crap on first post moose
  20. I have 100 friends on my contacts, but that's because I'm too lazy to go through and unfollow them all. I only have about 2, 3 friends.