Troll's Super Cereal Thread: Actual Fighting?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Recompense, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    Hey guys its Troll here, and I actually have a super cereal thread.

    ;) Tl;dr version: Post 6

    I would like to see a change in the game mechanics so that when a player is hit (battlelist or not off battlelist), the player doing the action would receive a percentage of the lost gold.

    I would like to see this change because I think that it alone would fix KaW from being a combat forsaken place. The percentage wouldn't have to be enormous, but it would add the necessary plunder to make pots affordable, and in times of war (strips), you would actually make a profit.

    Example: Lets say ATA set the percentage received at 20% of gold lost, and a member of my clan or black hand stripped a Regulator (common enough). Lets say the Regulator member lost ~100m per hit, this would add 20m per hit on top of what was you would previously receive from ally bonus/plunder.

    Please note that this percentage is just my recommendation, not a set in stone.

    By doing this, it would also give ATA room for future developments, they could add permanent eb items, which increase percentage received from what your enemies lost.

    The amount of gold gained could be enormous (from strips) or practically nothing (from hitting OSFs or players with no gold out), this would make the idea impossible to abuse (you would make 40% more gold volleying.) Math proved on page 3, for other mathletes out there.

    Please refer to my next super cereal post:

  2. [​IMG]

    Next I will be showing how to I would like the bonus to show up. In normal hits an steals you receive the following messages.


    Whoops wrong screen shot, here you go:




    Wow imagine that! There are even built in spaces where it could have the bonus added!!!

    Well that's my idea,

    Anger me  and I'll farm you.  

  3. That's... A pretty good idea!

    Are you saying to not get a set amount or just a bonus on top of the set amount?

    It'd be easy to find out if the person banked if you didn't get a set amount. But this might discourage bl hits because you don't know if they have gold out.
  4. You get the normal amount + an additional percentage of the person you attacked lost.

    So if the person lost a million gold, you'd make practically nothing.

    But, if they happened to lose 50 million, then it started to add up.

    Would encourage war, probably result in more xtal sales, and be a hell of a lot of fun.

    (It also probably wouldn't cause massive losses on people who aren't involved in wars, most people don't keep hundreds of billions of gold out for no reason, and you aren't likely going to get hit too many times if you aren't in a war.)

  5. Support

    I just wasn't sure what you meant exactly at first, thanks for clarifying.
  6. Support. Nice idea, extra gold is always a bonus.
  7. Good idea. The battle list would suddenly look better.
  8. Thanks for the support. :)
  9. support! I'm sick of spending more on pots then I actually make per hit. It'd also make it more fun to strip which would make more clans like pure evil.

    This could be exactly what we need to turn KaW back to a war game instead of based on Eb's and Mwar's
  10. Support

    We need more war and this would bring it
  11. Thanks terror and viva. :)
  12. Support for sure!