Traitors Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Rainkeeper, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. ** UPDATE **
  2. I'm not part of iWrite. I am iZaln Enterprises™.

  3. Hmmm....

    I like my name better. 
  4. Next chapter is awsome
  5. Am i in it yet??
  6. Plz write more!!!
  7. Sorry, wuz gone yesterday :p
  8. ** Mini Update **
  9. Nice mini update
  10. MOAARRR!!!
  11. If u can't give me more then I'm sorry
  12. I'm busy, gf and I are at the beach.
  13. It's awesome
  14. How are you at the beach with wifi, and why the **** are you playing KaW instead of looking at the chicks?