Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. :D Active Allies For Sale At Very Good Prices :D
  2. Xrated 540bill
  3. Please hire me! I'm 658b and super active!
  4. All my allies for sale ty 
  5. All allies for sale. Clearance on now!
  6. Scabrony 1trillion gold, insanely active and growing very fast!
  7. Please take mine, actives for sale
  8. I was looking for this thread too lmao glad someone bump it lol. Well please hire all my allies there no good and I want o buy a good stated active one
  9. Please hire my allies. Need some gold for sake
  10. 13 Bil Ally For Sale - Excellent Stats - Best Value Per Price Range - Cross Checked - 100% Guaranteed
  11. ally sale! cheap active allies! guaranteed activity. check their eb history :)
  12. I active allie for sell coem buy before its to late
  13. All of my allies must go, After that, wall me if you want to constantly volley a cheap ally. I don't care who keeps.
  14. Can buy all my allies ?
  15. I have a 597 Bil Hybrid Ally for sale.
  16. Tjoker05 active and only 55 bil
  17. Please buy my ally enmityforever, he is active
  18. i have 2 allies accumulating to a total of 1bil, both must go
  19. All allies for sale you should get them while theyre warm and toasty , hurry theyre getting cold!