Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. ally sale! cheap under priced active allies! guaranteed activity. check their eb history :)  will always restock shop shortly.
  2. I have a bunch of allies for sale that I trade, ranging from 386B to 1.3T. Take a look and pick them up! Great values.
  3. Strong, active allys ranging from 9b - 50b. Come and get them while they are fresh!
  4. Selling allies
  5. Sick and tired of understated overpriced allies? Cant seem to find a good active? Look no further! Great actives here! Ler me do the shopping for you. Always actives @ 185 and up! Big G's ally shop always open!
  6. All allies for sale. Take a peak 
  7. All of mine for sale 100b to 300b
  8. 380 Bil active attack build nice stats
  9. All my allies for sale
  10. Active ally for sale
  11. Allies for sale at various prices, take a pk
  12. Has anyone noticed if nerdynerdie has went inactive
  13. I have a bunch of allies for sale, ranging from 386 Bill to 1.3T. Check them out and buy some! Nice stats
  14. buy my allies
  15. Hire my allies please, i have 3 actives allies
  16. Hire my allies please
  17. Hire my allies and save my gold pleasee
  18. My allies actives, please. Need gold for upgrade
  19. KingJofferyTheBrave 125b, active sh