Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. My ally rexoren is active everyday, underpriced and 121 billion.
  2. DD'S ALLIE SHOP OPEN12 billhelp yourself cheers
  3. 30 bil 450cs active ally. Name:plumbumbum
  4. 65b active all
  5. All my Allie for sale 
  6. 39bil name: princess_arya. trade trade :)
  7. Pred4tor active SH for sale 
  8. Plumbumbum for sale. 30 bil and active
  9. Allies from 11-58b all active and growing
  10. lll___KING-BueGermany___lll active hansel for hire and the rest of my allies
  11. my allies are all under 20b some active and others inactive im permanently silence so i cant posts ads please buy all
  12. 120b ! Active ally's sale
  13. All my allies for sale need gold for upgrade help a growing noob plz
  14. all my allies for sale. alpha-k and kawcaine, top 2 of mine, have good stats and price :)
  15. All my allies are active and underprice hire if you want
  16. Goofy and daisy are for sale.
  17. Allies for sale 10 16 and 27bill
  18. Good active allies here

    70-400 bil price range
  19. Allies always for sale here, cheap, check them out