Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. UNDERPRICED PROPACK ALLIES FOR SALE 50-400BILL<------------------------
  2. Active 126b ally for sale. I just want to get rid of so I can ug. Boohoo. He's on my wall, destroyer, 2.3m cs
  3. Hire my reset bomb, ir hasnt gone off in a while
  4. All my allies are for sale come and hire them!
  5. ChocoLab1, id like to sell her, i need to upgrade, thanx
  6. Ally sale: 260 Bil
  7. Ally sale: 260 Bil and 290 Bil. Active with new banners. ( LonellyZombie
  8. I got two 459-500b amazing value allies
  9. Ally sale: 260 Bil and 290 Bil. Active with new banners. ( LonellyZombie and WalkingZombie only )
    Sorry for mult posts. Forgot about ampersand not working.
  10. Buy _SL1M_ please. Cheap price for baddest o.g.triple-o.g. SH in KaW.

  11. All allies underpriced nd fr sale
  12. UNDERPRICED PROPACK ALLIES FOR SALE 200-400BILL<------------------------
  13. Zacm14
    Proflag, active and good value
  14. Aaahhhhh allies not for sale do not buy them its a trap
  15. 450bill active ally for sale
  16. 167bil ally for sale️Good price
  17. Allies for hire
  18. HIRE MY ALLIES....