Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. All my allies for sale lol
  2. I buy back a lot cuz they're my friends
  3. My allies for sale 765b-931b ,all active and all are attack builds with sdt :lol: hire them soon so i grow, thanks.
  4. Active ally for sale
  5. Fiddler (not exact kaw name)
    Great Value
  6. Active and new alley for sale. Spoderman. Check him out.
  7. Tons of UNDERPRICED propack allies for sale!
    (Based off of CS x 50 = Value)

    These allies are GREAT for BFA and is a cheap way to get into the ally leaderboards.

    I have 1trill worth of these allies and am ranked 6,330 on the ally leaderboard.

    Feel free to take them off my hands! I would love to get some new upgrades 
  8. I need actual ally traders. 400b-1t range.
  9. I have a 125 bil ally super active and always growing
  10. All of mine are for sale. They are active but a Lil op
  11. lllLllVllLllVllLllVllLllVlll forsale in HTE Clan :D :D
  12. All for sale 20b n 5b
  13. Underpriced ProPack Allies For Sale!

    Cheap allies!
    Will hold value for a few hires!
    Great for BFA!
  14. My allies are always for sale, so come and have a look. Active 133 billion ally currently for sale. So come and have a look and buy. :D
  15. I have 2 actives for sale. One is 167bil and the other is 93bil.️
  16. 450bill ally for sale
  17. I heard Bomanator's allies are now for sale.

    Too soon?
  18. Mine 130 bill ally is for sale.