Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. 600bill over 12min stats
  2. Black Hole Sun
    4mill cs Hansel

  3. Good allies on sale:

    XROCKYDENNISx (108 billion)
    graham14 (108 billion)
  4. Ally for sale
  5. Ally for sale here
  6. Active cheap ally for sale
  7. ______idumb______ (6each side)

    Very active check eb logs
  8. ALL ALLIES FOR SALE inferno on me active daily-550 bill-8.5mil spy CS
  9. selling 4 good allies, price 108 billion each
  10. HOCUS_POCUS_FOCUS , TAINTBUSTER , ALEXLOL_ALT for sale. 100-132B each 
  11. Got two active allies for sale -radioactive- and ganuhcuss
  12. need to sell my active allies 222-424b both active want to buy back my alt
  13. Buy my allies please
  14. Hero_rogue New Active Player with 57k CS worth $7b.
  15. Jeslyn1996 (450b)

    666_castello08_666 (447b)

    X_T_FRIGEY_T_X (366b

    Not exactly underpriced, but all actives so they're worth the buy
  16. Overpriced inactive allies!

    But they have a pro banner so it's all okay.
  17. My 1T ally for sale!!! Big stats!!
  18. Allies for sale