Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Mrs_Eliite<-- 260b hansel
  2. Just hired an inactive by accident  why is there still no confirmation prompt? It's such a simple fix!! At least the stats aren't absolutely horrible. Anyway.. 240b Keny - I'll spend a seal for whoever buys him.
  3. Pludicrous 316b active attack build :)
  4. allies for sale all must go pleas and thank you =)
  5. Unloved_Mercenary 38 bill active reset.

    I was in on his open volley and got stuck with him.
  6. Active Hansels (~4,4mcs, ~300b) for sale
  7. Active 1.3T ally for sale - 23m cs
  8. Guys please help me out. yes hes innactive but good stats for 103 bill
  9. All for sale 2 inactive rest active. Ill buy back the ones I want to keep. Starting at 325b
  10. Matw4444. Almost 10m cs. Active every eb
  11. Hire my allies! All of them need to go. I need the money to uprgade.
  12. I always have active allies for sale. 10-15b
  13. Thank you to whomever helps out.
    IlI_BigFatJiji_IlI is active and 658bn, would welcome the money for upgrades.
    Happy Kawing!
  15. 366 active pro pack ally for sale but plz look if I'm war first plz
  16. ️Skittles Ally Shop️
    Open for Business
    ️ 194b - 3.3m BFA️
  17. Ally Shop Open

    20B to 60B
  18. FOR SALEAlijahkingFOR SALE
    FOR SALEAlijahkingFOR SALE
    FOR SALEAlijahkingFOR SALE
  19. Only Kuggar for sale the spies me alts
  20. allies for sale 10-63b allies all active