Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Anyone wanna take my ally so I can upgrade?:)
  2. Am I the only one who ever noticed people only advertise never buy
  3. Haha yea this thread is kinda pointless I'm sure nobody ever buys off this
  4. I've got three allies for sale, all of them active in their current EB's:

    WazzupJakey 5.795.184.531 39,915 Attack, 36,915 Defence, 2,700 S. Attack, 4,050 S. Defence
    nikitabustercharlie 4.767.712.657 24,800 Attack, 23,200 Defence, 900 S. Attack, 900 S. Defence
    vayuputra 1.347.671.641 26,620 Attack, 30,345 Defence, 1,800 S. Attack, 1,800 S. Defence
  5. 10 mil cs ally for sale pro packed. 386bil
  6. I'm for sale, my owners a putz. 
  7. 349 bill ally for sale really active in eb please hire
  8. Hire me :) 152bil and active (obviously)
  9. Allies for sale
  10. Active allies @ 60, 94, 141, 153, 201 bil for sale. If you are an active ally trader contact me as well :)
  11. 7.6 mil cs Allie for 300b fairly active
  12. All my allies for sale......have a look see
  13. Strykerking for sale 384b active
  14. im always sellin $200bill allies
  15. ╥╖║╓╖╥╖║╓╖╥╖╓╖║ ALLIES
    ║╢║║║║║╫║║║╢╙╖╫ FOR
    ╨╜╙╙╜╨╜║╙╜║╙╙╜║ SALE
  16. 600k cs ,50 bill ally for sale
  17. All my ally's are for sale,almost all in-between 10-16 billion.
  18. I'm selling Xtremes alt check my page he's active because it's xtreme pls hire don't want him