Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. 20bil and less allies for sale! All really good stats for price and some active!
  2. Hire value- 840,186,644,539
    Name- kelvin100
    Attack bonus- 9,425,870
    Defense bonus- 8,262,070
    Spy attack bonus- 1,041,900
    Spy defense bonus- 1,041,900

    Always active
  3. [​IMG]

    Active daily
    Clan is "the soul society"
    Atk heavy Hybrid
  4. Active 500b Allie _Tom_
  5. I have nice 385b ally 7.3mcs active propacked
    214b ally great stats Propacked active
    114b ally active and a GH
  7. All my allies are available for hire!
  8. I have a active 1.2 mill cs for 80 bil need him gone to upgrade ty
  9. My 52 bil ally is up for grabs! Come en get em ;)
  10. All allies for sale active and good stats. Prices from 200-840 bil
  11. Ally for sale
  12. All pro pack allies are for sale .thxs
  13. Active 8mcs ally bighoss for sale. Please take him
  14. sell allie LION
  15. Jason for sale active underpriced growing hansel just 577bn ty
  16. Numnumzz for sale!!!!!
  17. Buy my allie! 100m
  18. 300b active ally for sale