Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Skagator
    Active, 12.9m cs ally. 636b EE warrior. All around cool person to own.  lol
  2. Active propacked 116b 2m hansel
  3. Sjt13 for sale. ~250b
  4. 1.3 trill -Z06- 19mill cs HANSEL
    1.1trill Schubby 20mil Attack ally from ZAFT
    450bill GROW ally- 10mil cs Spy hybrid
    270 bill Joarder_A Hansel
    3GH active 
    Thanks for shopping
  5. Buy all my allies EXCEPT mikypiky
  6. Cool165 FOR SALE!
    He is active!!
  7. thenorthsondemise for 74.1b
    1.86m combined stats. 
  8. Hire value- 1,131,622,266,656
    Name- joris
    Attack bonus- 11,016,577
    Defense bonus- 10,739,817
    Spy attack bonus- 1,360,040
    Spy defense bonus- 2,560,622

    Hire value- 840,186,644,539
    Name- kelvin100
    Attack bonus- 9,340,512
    Defense bonus- 8,205,715
    Spy attack bonus- 1,041,900
    Spy defense bonus- 1,041,900

    Side comments- joris has propack(s) kelvin does not. Both are active everyday.
  9. Darkrain21

    217b 3mcs active
  10. 3 active allies for sale here!
  11. 248 bill ally forsale very active please hire
  12. I got a 107b and a 36b. Both active. Check walls
  13. Buy Bodeen Please :)
  14. Idontexist active 89b and other allies above 300b
  15. HLCBC gh great stats good bfe 117b
  16. Looking for Hansel/Tanks for sale
  17. 37 b active ally check second last eb. :cool:
  18. ExternalDestruction for sale, 84b , 1.9m CS

    Hes my alt, dont believe me? Wall it and ill wall back later when i get on pc :p
  19. Lucky1fox
    7.7M Cs
  20. Mypouf
    Spy build