Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. 225 bill ally for sale very active and growing
  2. Help yourself :)
  3. 194b active ally here, growing fast
  4. 236bill ally forsale big_coffee very active and growing :)
  5. 138B attack build for sale, check him out!
  6. Murcia for sale
    Active GH
  7. ╥╖║╓╖╥╖║╓╖╥╖╓╖║ ALLIES
    ║╢║║║║║╫║║║╢╙╖╫ FOR
    ╨╜╙╙╜╨╜║╙╜║╙╙╜║ SALE
  8. Leobuzz
    7.1m CS
    Active and growing

    (Posting for friend so search the name)
  9. All allies for sale....from 29b-467b...all active or propacked...or yourself
  10. All allies for sale 40bill to 1.3 trill
  11. Big hansel, 18.6m cs for Yafi member. 1.3T
  12. Oops sorryy no this ones in the others
  13. Wow this is an old thread...made in June? Wow
  14. And any of my allies can be bought
  15. No one wants my allies. It's sad
  16. Braveheart4321 for sale. 130 Bill, active, over 2m cs
  17. oDreamz 2.2m cs 130-40bil
  18. Inactive ally but 30b underpriced xD. Good bfa if you want it!