Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. JohnnySam23. 3-4 mcs, inactive. 400bil.
  2. I have a lot of underpriced allies for sale. I will admit - they are all inactive or most are inactive. But they are very underpriced :)
  3. They necro bump this Lmao
  4. Ev budy avoids mey comments laik there biohazardous
  5. Whats a necrobump?
  6. Allies for sale
  7. 7.8t 60m cs active ally for sale - the only one I own
  9. 20 trill ally for sale 13 warrior. Has been a cure for years and will continue to be. Have been in clan with him for years so I know
  10. 2 tril active ally who has plunder bonus spell on he is the only ally on my list easy to find
  11. Nerd_boy 12T active ally
  12. All allies for sale 
  13. 7.8t active ally for sale! Is in an OSW, so he is stockpiling cash :)
  14. 8.2t 97mcs hansel. Active daily in eb.
  15. 50mcs 4.5t active in hte clan
  16. 50mcs 4.5t active in hte clan
  17. Check out my active ally selection!
  18. Under 25k Allied here. All stateless and inactive. Get em while they're dead.
  19. Have 3 good allies for sale! 2 are very active (2t and 650b), 1 is inactive (but underpriced) 60b ish
  20. I need to UG, selling active 2.6T ally with 32Mcs