Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Ally: dat_waffle
    Price: 56b

  2. ALL ALLIES FOR SALE HERE trying to be allies trader..
  3. please buy -sweetness- !! follow me a

    and we can work out a deal  sooner the better
  4. 800b active hansel for sale ^.^
  5. Selling 70b ally!! Please need gold for a new ally 
  6. 935 bil Ally. He's active (I know cuz he's in my clan) Hired him off of Silph  Approx 15 mil cs 
  7. 1T active ally up for grabs 
  8. All of mine. Do it. Now
  9. All my allies for sale, come grab them!!!
  10. Trading my top ally "imgayy" is their name.
    I didn't hire for the name.LoL
  11. 1.5T in actives for sale 

    Hire at your will <3
  12. ?SHOP OPEN?315B⛔️445B?ALL ACTIVE?
  13. Lil help with a 350 bil waste of space....
  14. Ally shop open again. 375b ally with 7.5m cs for sale. Check back for new stock.

    Rebel_Wing for sale 375b / 7.5m cs attack build.
  15. Allies. For. Sale.
  16. All for sale? Actually worth anything? That's for you scrubs to decide :*
  17. Active growing ally, Judar for sale 541b get him :smile:
  18. 40m cs hybrid for hire. Eb and spell active. Underpriced at 4.2T 
  19. kaw_community massively overpriced but Über rare :p
  20. Ally for sale. go thru