@Worm - I know more about towers than you. Dont post my name on forums where i dont even bother to comment. Every build has its own use. You cant say that plunder is everything in wars. All that matters is activity,usage of pots,miths and xtalls. I would support a team where all members give 100% rather than a team where half of the members have awesome builds but rest of the half are just inactive
Frog? Better payout for hitting bigger builds is good. The gh being able to win on you is the issue, when you come out of ko at 20% it's not your stats doing the fighting it's the static defense and spy defense doing the work. There is no "exploit" in using a gh to war. The exploit would be putting gh with lb or large players to mess with matches.
@ div, I don't know what you are talking about. But your post is slightly off topic, please keep it related to the op
No exploit in mixing leaderboard players and guild hansels together to get easy matchups? Even you all must know it's bs. The point at which people started dropping builds in order to war should have been the first clue.
No problem, It has been brought to my attention that the community doesn't understand what static defense is. In a nutshell, your spy defense needs to be 1m higher than your spy attack just to make up the difference in spy attack and spy defense pots. Hope this helps. -Martyr
@Frog and To all that says GH is a exploit: First of all, you have to understand there is a GREAT difference between pure GH and GH with towers. Pure GH can make tons of plunder out of enemy and pays crap. BUT they are VERY easy to deal with. However, GH with towers make crappy plunder (~30M against attack build and ~18M against hansels without dp). And tower GH pays good (I wouldnt say great) to the enemy due to the massive static tower defence. Some of you whines about pure GH making 60M per hit, and it is exploit. It isn't, you are thinking that way just because you dont have correct strategy. Regarding tower GH like me, we make crappy plunder and pay good to you. So you still think its exploit? An interesting note: Hansels on my battle list all have ~2.5M CS. So I must pay just like them and make much less plunder due to the towers. It is no way an exploit.
I'm not saying guild hansels are an exploit. I'm sure they are spending a boatload on pots. I spent time in a OSW clan as a guild hybrid, so I understand what you can do if you are willing to spend the pots. The problem is playing the system in order to get matched up against weaker clans. Everyone knows what certain clans are doing. You take hlbc players with a massive bfa, mix with gh with small bfa, and you get matched up against clans that aren't equipped to deal with it most of the time. Again, it's no secret. If you think you are fooling anyone, you are wrong. Most clans gave it up as a lost season.
@Reeb Well, I am making an assumption of which clan you were referring to. But, please check the war history and take a look at who that clan was fighting against before you say they are matching against "Weak Clans." Again, please distinguish between pure GH and tower GH. Cheers.
I'm not referring to any clan in particular, just to be clear. I'm referring to a broken system that isn't worth wasting my time on, to be honest.
Keep statistics in mind when looking at static bonuses, even one tower technically lowers your odds of succeeding an assassination for example. And in EE war, failed actions = bad
I have only 500 static ..I do about as well as anyone in EE (go ahead check my war history), but dont think it's required to have 1M static. Yes it can be beneficial, but you lose out as well . Find a build that works for you