Tournament Wars: Summer War Quarter-Final Rewards

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. How are those items better than abysall blade
  2. Abyssal blade sucks as it goes down as ur troops go down the diamond sword is better at lvl 1 than abyssal as it's a static bonus
  3. hm...he didn't leak that much due to inability to stay open...didn't give away everything you were doing in your cc..and wasn't at all affiliated with LR. MK readily acknowledges the bad luck they had for having such an open membership... Try a little more harder "proof" next time ?
  4. Make a Clan for this Weekend Summer war? 

    I surch a Clan to invite me for this Weekend war 

    Pls Wall me 
  5. SR-Andrewinter, why talk crap? It was a good fight, but lr fought better. As far as I'm concerned, guy decided to leak after being treated like crap by MK for letting few inc in. He wasn't placed in MK for that purpose. And Cor is right, he didn't leak as much as some others did lol MK pinned inactives but not all of them

    Always easy to find an excuse and blame it on one guy..Was a good war, MK lost. Get over it
  6. I agree with trouble don't just start complaining about 1 guy who "leaked" I'm sure there were others who leaked more than him