Tournament Wars: Summer War Playoffs!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Dear Developer's,

    I believe it would be unfair for people who did not participate in the season for the clan to be able to participate in playoff's. Those who have spent their time, gold, and money (Some people) to participate in the season should be the only one's in the playoff's.

    I strongly believe that the Playoff's should have a requirement of at least 2 participated war's in the clan you wish to represent in order to be an active member in Playoff's.
    How fair would it be if you were in all 8 war's during the season and some mercenary join's you in war and get's an item while you get nothing?

    I currently have no knowledge of any rule's or requirement's for individuals in Summer War's.
  2. Top 8 clans in prestige lb will be Top 8 in strength lb.
  3. Actually. . . bet it won't. :geek:
  4. Next Season will have different rules. This is just what is in place this season. Also, notice how the item drop is not 100% given just for participating. Hmm, I wonder what some of the modifiers may be.... ;)

    PS: Unless the participating clan is silly, no "random mercs" will be in this war. Each person should be heavily vetted/be a really trusted individual, has war experience and more importantly war knowledge, mithril and potions stocked, explored unbuilt land open if possible, xtals available if possible (even if unlikely to be used much or effective if both sides play well unless if a spy only build or hansel), etc.
  5. Items should have been earned from wars from the start, and not ebs...If ebs were for growth purposes, and items were only earned via of wars, this game would have been sooo much better......

    Anyways, good luck to all participants in the war tourney 
  6. to any non HLBC who did many wars

    i wish you wont be kicked because
    of new HLBC guys that just pop in and take your place away
  7. Why would they be kicked? non-HLBC people can do land tricks all day if they have the money. If there's ever a breakout, they can create or catch up a really large gap when mixed with max xtals ;)
    PS: You do make a little bit more gold the stronger your target is. Don't forget :p
  8. I am non HLBC (**** land tricks) and have participated in 6 of the 7 last tournament wars. Ive bled hard for the clam i was warring for, gotten top actions (tho that accounts for very little in devs eyes). Ive bonded with many fellow warriors and gained much respect for my opponents. Finally it is good to see our efforts will be rewarded and have a prize to fight for. Excited and hope to see the best on the field of battle.
    You people honestly think the top prestige clan are gonna merc the **** up with ppl they havent warred WITH in these hardcore wars? Victory doesnt lie with a bunch of plunder monsters mithed and potted up hitting the other team. Its about coordination working together, keeping active, keeping pinned, things happen in RL anyone could go inactive any time, it is up to your mates to figure out that YOU ARENT INACTIVE and plug your leak ASAP. Surely all the top clans this week know their not gonna have some war vet they never warred with merc with them, or let mercs who have not contibuted to help get the current spot they're at.
    I sure as hell would be pissed off if my clan im warring with let in a bunch of mercs who havent contributed. Just cuz your some lb plunder monster doesnt befront me either. Increased mercs increases liability for a leak.
    So quit the whining about strong mercs getting all the prizes, non hlbc being booted when theyve proven themselves in the summer war hell.. And quit the all the fuckin "let me war i have mith and pots" (Its not gonna happen!) and all the other outside dramatic bull **** speculation.
    This concerns the true warriors.
    Show your scars Fight or die
    This concludes my rant see you warriors in battleWAR
  9. Agree 100% stosrider
  10. I would like to wish all clans good luck in
    The Semi-Finals.Good luck and may the
    Best clan win.

  11. Any clan looking can accept me in summer war? Wall me
  12. Any clan looking for member to join in the summer war! Wall me
  13. Semi's are here. Should be interesting
  14. If there are 8 teams - isn't it quarter-finals - not semi-finals. Just asking
  15. Awesome post stos! and agreed Dom-good luck to all and may the best clan win
  16. Great post stos!! And may the best team win!!
    Șε7εɴȘ1ɴȘSummer WAR
  17. I'm with ya Stos buddy! 
  18. x.x

    Battlegrounds... Right there... At number 9.

    Which is slightly surprising.