Tournament Wars Rewards Update!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. In End of war rankings like actions or in the actual clan rankings?
  2. What do you think now?
    Don't be stupid, why on earth would they give rewards for just being the biggest in the clan?
  3. Thank you devs for the clarification. Much appreciated!
  4. I think the reward should be based on actions, to reward the enthusiastic and active players, and also the spy builds who earn less plunder than attack builds most of the time. The rewards could be a combination based on actions and plunder, to be more fair to all the The other build.

    Just a suggestion though
  5. Fighting a war is mostly a team effort and high activity doesn't always translate into plunder (eg spy builds and those that are "Marked"). This reward system only encourages individualistic behavior.
  6. Im strongly against this rewarding sys. Cancer drug is right it will promote individualism.

    Simple question: which player contributed more and deserve more reward? A bc hitter hitting only 2b plunder? Or a 1mil combined osf hitting 1000 actions from ass and scouting oppo osf??

    Another eg: player A started str8 from the war, fierce fight ensured, spammed 6 crystals and fight from pin for 16hrs str8 and finally helped the clan gain significant lead b4 crashing to the bed for a short rest. Player b jus woke up, lost 200 counts due to offline when war starts, comes into the war and enjoy hitting the pinned opponents from hi troop and came up top plunderer without using one single crystal.... So all the credits and rewards goes to player b???!!?

    Dev shd consider to include top action performers as "war heroes" on war history pages. Without the assa from osf, those top plunderers will not hav enjoyed the prestige. If dev rewards equipments and drops based on activesness, y not in rw??

    This is definitely not the way se7en s1ns recognize and give credits to war heroes. Our "war heroes" are top plunderers, top action performers (with win loss and stats in consideration, merc or perms included), admins who post the loss counts, or the admin who identified and kicked a stripped and leaking pure spy etc.

    im sure ata, a game developer with a extensive team supporting its operation can think of a more comprehensive and fair way to reward those tat really contributed. If not, spy builds are screwed....
  7. Am I right in thinking the reward system is totally unfair to spy builds? You can be the most active in clan carrying out assassins and steals, which pay far less than attack actions. The rewards should be for activity ie. number of successful actions rather than actual plunder. An attack build will always bring in greater plunder than a spy build, even if spy build is far more active.. 
  8. Why not break into few categories of stats? Meaning for smaller players can get the prize to be fair. As an example, in a clan there is 90 players. When break to 3 group categories, group 1(1-30) group 2(31-60) group 3(61-90). So when win the war, Group 1 #1, Group 2 #1, Group 3 #1 will get the same prize. This is just a suggestion but it make the war more fun. So everyone warring in the same clan will be more eager to fight n fairly get the rewards. Theres no way a middle stats player can get the #1 prizes. To state the fact, not everyone is HLBC. So break in group is the best option. Thank you
  9. Pro_sneek want me to include this coz he forgoten to write that he meant not just Tournament Wars but our Regular Wars in KAW too. So it will also bring all players to have war regularly. So we can see all starts warring again either than EB. Ty
  10. That is kind of how mithril distribution already is accross all wars, dependant on build size in addition to and not just only plunder or actions.....
  11. Is this going towards trial war too?
  12. What about if you don't have a level 3 castle what happens then
  13. Then don't worry about it ^
  14. Implementing this reward system, the pure spies/ hansels are definitely at a disadvantage. Assasinates & scouts do not contribute to the plunder, so how are these players, going to ever achieve high plunder?
    Of course, they can steal. This means they would forgo the chance to assist their clan (in this case, pin opponents) and instead, steal throughout regardless of leaks to get as much plunder possible.
    This is just one of the flaws, do take it into consideration.
  15. But that's exactly the pt, nonamer, by introducing this reward system, they are encouraging pure spies/hansels to break ranks and go steal mode. Can you imagine a hypothetical situation in which a spy continuously steal but at the same time leaking gold through hits. He will hv high plunder but at the expense of the clan. A reward system that takes into acct of activity (ass, stl, hits and scouts) is more fair IMO. Else in the long run, it will be hard to convince spies to stick to the game plan.
  16. The current system of mithrils rewarding takes into consideration of contributions from pure spies and OSF in their non-plundering actions. This is fair to all built. Just allow commuting mithrils into inferno and aqua will do fine IMO.
  17. Of course we all know that the inferno rewards being plunder-based makes it hard for pure spies (although pure spies/hansels are usually favored for item drops)

    Have to agree with Osprey, allow mith conversion to aqua/inferno. Losing business? In the first place some of us worked really hard for months to get 150-800 mith before the first December sales and whereby MITH was NOT supposed to be available for sale at all!!!

    Why waste time implementing mith and inferno? Just give an option: "You need 7.5b (or 15b) to enchant this item of xyz gold to boost your bonuses"??? As for implementing aqua conversion, just label it: "pay to play and get a chance to advance to next level"?

    On another note, if T5 ain't gonna cost aqua or inferno or "needs mith for maintenance purposes and keep at full strength", can we sell inferno back to mage? Kinda getting "too many" for now even though no one knows how much is too many? Next castle upgrade 500 inferno?