Fort Drum is a mudhole. Spent some time there with the 10'th Mountain boys. 10'th Mountain Brew on the other hand is served in pitchers. And it's awesome. Beware of the not hot female cab drivers that take advantage of the young and beer goggled.
Non millitary here (Although I'm studying to be an EMO in electronic warfare) le-monkey is full of salt, no? Also why do all these people care if someone pretending to be millitary or a vet? If they want to talk big let them, if they didn't serve the greatest country on Earth then they didn't. But if they did, think of the disrespect you are showing right now. I apologize if your not from the US, but I see any soldier of any nation as someone honorable and in my opinion you should as well... I'm also very biased towards my country.
Eielson AFB. Temps in winter up to -67F. For the ppl working flightline during RedFlag, hats off to. This place only serves breakfast menu at the chow hall for midnight crews 11pm-1am. Awful. Plastic silverware and paper plates. Bare bones base and everything closes at 7pm.
Its actually against the law to impersonate having served. Stolen Valor is an actual law and federal crime.
In real life not in a rpg game lol. Who cares if they do it over the Internet. As long as 1. They get no recognition 2. They don't get praise 3. They don't gain money or gifts.
Lol true impersonating may be a crime, but it's a little hard to tell online. Regardless, there are several here that are legit just based on references in the page. If someone wants to impersonate who cares. Erwin still sucks, and so does Clovis . Iraq/Afg where actually the best times of my life. So the "it sucks there" never really came to mind. 'Merica! Also the Brits were the most nuts folks I worked with. Super cool and super fun.