Isn't there a liberal progressive split happening? I've seen a lot of chatter. Probably getting ready for Biden. Biden polls good against Trump, but they need to outclass Sanders in the primaries.
Before anyone else replies, obviously all the statistics that show that countries with stricter gun controls also have less crime are wrong too.
Cow, you have to account for a certain variable: how ******* huge the United States of America is. You can't simplify the answer into one graph. It's too complex; that's why everyone fights over it on Youtube comment sections and on Reddit and everywhere else people can argue and discuss ideas. Also, we have lots of urban cities that are just straight up sin cities. High crime, high violence, low education, low wealth distribution.
If you disarm the populace, you're presenting the sheep to the lions. Murderers are going to get guns whether they are legal or not. It'll just make it easier for them to massacre a walmart, and slaughter a school.
@Pineapple Those are crime rates. Averaged out by population. Size of the country isn't too much of a factor, other than difficulty in policing it. And we have tons of, and very well armed, police. Urban cities? Have you been to Tokyo? Poor urban dwellers? Well that gets more into economic debates, rather than gun control.