Top Trump Quotes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Le-Monkey, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. How is trump racist

    To take over a society you don't send your best and brightest to become murders or gang member
  2. "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems," he said. "[Mexican immigrants] are bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting. I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall.” - Donald Trump

    Tell me that's not racist.
  3. Trump is a self made billionaire I think we need that in the White House. He may have filed for bankruptcy but he made it all back. When it comes to money the guy knows what he's doing. If you say other wise I expect you to be a self made billionaire.
  4. Clinton has the highest chance of winning tbh. Donald trump has
    - Had illegal grandparents/parents
    - raped his wife
    - sued someone for allegedly calling him a millionaire when in fact he was a billionaire. Something like "defamation of character."
    -bankruptcy (obvs a problem)
    -views on Chicano rights, BLM, LGBT that upset large portions of said groups.
    -supported the comment of enjoying drinks while watching drone strikes on people trying to cross the border.
    -the many marriages and failures
    -comments on China and the ME.
    If he wins GOP primary, Clinton will cream him.
  5. Is there a difference between making money for yourself/corporation and making money for the government/country with it's legalities? Curious.
  6. @Immaculate

    Can we get a nicer, smarter, richer billionaire? Bill Gates is a cutie, a genius, financially sound, and a philanthropist. Plus, he doesn't have a terrible reality TV show.


    I neither own a corporation, nor run a country, but a highly imagine there is.
    *Perhaps it's the tequila, but on second reading, maybe I misread what you meant. Clarify please?
  7. If trump is the Republican candidate on the ballot, I'll pick him over Clinton any day. But if there's any other candidate *Ben Carson cough cough* I would sleep much better at night.

    Politicians are good at lying through their teeth and telling the public what they want to hear. Let's give the neurosurgeon a chance!
  8. Ur an idiot
  9. I am a dumb a with pub ic hair as a fro
  10. Inb4 thetruth7 is banned
  11. 1.) Greece's biggest failure is with the eurozone and its lies it made to enter. The fact that they had sufficient debt before they entered to disqualify them and lied about it is what their problem is. Coupled with the fact that they have an extremely low retirement age that they milk the EU members into paying for. Their problem isn't the paying, it's the how and when they're paying. But you know. Go off on Sanders

    Also, bush jr deleted emails too. Many of which had evidence of Republican sabotage of certain democrat bills. The republicans could've denied any democratic bills, but yea, you know, Bush Jr had the brilliant idea to delete them. Again, go off I guess.

    A hot head that has disrespected his own party (women, veterans, POWs) is great for our country?
    And ever heard of staying in your lane? Like not saying Carson would make a bad leader, but is a brain surgeon really qualified to run a country? I'm not denying his intelligence, but tbh Michelle Obama has more experience than him.
  12. Vote none of the above
  13. Just because he is an unfiltered butt doesn't mean he won't be a good president. Let's talk about getting things done. He knows the right people to be nice to. There's also a Supreme Court and Senate to keep him in check if he starts firing peeps
  14. Nobody keeps the govt in check that i have ever known during my lifetime.
  15. There were like two quotes before this thread turned to people pretending to know about politics.
  16. Because there's no way any of us could possibly no anything about politics. It's just the presidential election, and national policy, why would we be at all interested/knowledgable about it?
  17. Just my $0.02. A lot of these people don't seem to be making a lot of sense. I've found that a lot of people assume since guns can be used to kill people, they should be banned.They don't think about other uses, such as hunting and defense. Not saying that's what everyone on this thread thinks, but a lot of people do.
    EDIT: also people are from different countries with different views, and it's not even their election.
  18. All one needs know is politics is a circus.
    Take care of #1 n don't eat whats fed to u.
  19. :lol: that's good
  20. I need this picture in my life.