Top 500/1000 for Events!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xSyN_-Tanner-_SyNx, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. I forgot to mention the aqua inferno lol have heaps of that too.
  2. Support @ op
  3. Great to see you replying Charlie, so a big thank you for that. While I appreciate the fun in a random drop, sometimes awesome, sometimes not...these events in some cases (those striving or pushing for top tiers) take A LOT of effort. If at the end of all that effort I got a sleeping potion I would not be best pleased to say the least. Keep it simple my friend. Top tiers get more of whatever you decide you need to get items and let us choose what we want to spend them on. That way we can help control our own bfe in the same way we can choose what bfa we want. Spy stat heavy or attack stat heavy etc... As long as effort reflects choice no one can complain it's a fair playing field.
  4. Support to grizzy
  5. I really like the sound of this to!
  6. Perhaps instead of fixed tiers we just split all tiers into leaderboard tiers.

    Top 0.05%
    Top 0.25%
    Top 0.5%
    Top 1%
    Top 5%
    Top 10%
    Top 20%
    Top 35%
    Top 50%
    Top 75%
    Top 100% (must get above 100 items to be classed as active)

    This is just an example however more tiers could be added to balance it out more. If 30k players were active you get the following amounts for the top 3 tiers.

    Top 0.05% = 15
    Top 0.25% = 75
    Top 0.5% = 150

    That's a fairly similar ratio to what we have currently at the top however it makes the other higher tiers competitive and it means nobody is entitled a free tier without fighting for it.
  7. Doing waaaaaayyyyy to much, and over complicating it. Grizzy has given one of the best options I have seen. Hell I'd even like the option to select what equip piece I'd get at event end. Give players the option to select from a selection of items. So players would take crux chests over silver bars (for BC players) and I'm sure smaller players would love the option to get their payout in SB for further growth.
  8. This is for you kezzer. Please read it again.
  9. 100% Support.
  10. What if you made poll about this? Maybe a couple of these ideas in poll. Winner is new change. Everyone in KaW would love some changes to these events! We love them but they are not giving enough for how much work is put in. I spend maybe $50 a event to get 15k.
  11. To be able to buy out what rewards i got......yes please i have way more reg cruxes than i do gold cruxes and i dont exactly need more aqua inferno as the dedicated events for those have me stock piled for just about any eq that comes out for the next several months.
  12. Just make the mystery box one of the items that you can purchase with your collectables. You can either straight up buy what you want or maybe have a bit of a gamble by buying a mystery box and seeing what you get out of it.

    Maybe have different tiers of mystery box, each increasing with price but also increasing the prizes - of course, with some less desirable items thrown in there too.
  13. Regardless of which direction the rewards go the formula of getting the collectable's needs to be sorted out,the present system of being plunder based needs to go,with the present system it's lopsided.Drops should be based solely on activity one drop per hit it'll still favor spy builds but no where near the discrepancy that exists now.
    Mystery boxes a no,to those working as hard as they do to earn the rewards and get a piece of garbage is just a slap in the face,prime example of that is the rewards coming from crux chests 9 out of every 10 opened is 20 combined items worthless.
  14. The previous aqua and inferno events. That was an example of giving the players the will to choose. Apply that to other event rewards like crux, xtal, silver bars, bronze bars, horn, sod, circles, equipments, % plunder spells, banners etc.. Add a little game of chance (errm gambling), competitive team/faction style on ee wars and daily random eb plunder-boost bonanza.
  15. I thought the same thing.
  16. For example the items someone collects ends up at 18,734, the end of the event allows you to buy seals at 10k, horns at 3k, 500 silver bars at 2k etc? (Random numbers by the way)
    I like this.
  17. Support to either idea. The top 5k & 2.5k tiers. They were relatively easy to reach & competitive to maintain.

    Being able to use excess for silver bars (bulk) or bronze (low amounts) is also a great alternative
  18. Ofcourse, they could just take the easy way..

    Player ends with 17500 items

    15k removed for fixed tier reward

    2500 left / 10=250sb