Toi tyme fan club

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by the_but_kicker, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. I'd have to say I pick my car! Lol
  2. Lmao lpp 
  3. Hehe how about u in the back off the car
  4. Never tried that...... Just the front!! 
  5. Lol it's good to always try new things haha polish up the hood to
  6. LPP you're such a freak. 
  7. BUMP for LPP 
  8. Thanks gaffah my love 
  9. Oeh you are ******* hot <3 i wanna marry you XD
  10. Aww you're sweet zu
  11. I got respect for Nice girls ;)
  12. My teddy!!

  13. Rawwr! Lpp.
  14. Sry Guy you need to share her ;)
  15. LPP has respect for nice men!!

  16. Lmao I don't want to do this in here. This is her thread. Insult me on another, and I'll be sure to make fun of your inbred ass in there.

    P.S. -- I dare you to grow some functional brain cells.
  17. Soffy he wasn't insulting you hun