Look at you making assumptions against my comment. Did I call or refer you to a statless alt? No, I just made an analogy. Also, was the major issue with statless alts/player a matter of rather they are stupid or smart. - Actually no, it is annoying to have someone hide behind small builds who like to talk trash. It isn't a matter of intelligence, it's just a matter of annoyance. Also, on what basis do you wish to declare that that you are smarter than I? - None, nor is there grounds for me to say that I am smarter than you. To close, who's fault is it, after 5 years to be your size, it is yours. Have an issue with someone who actually goes at you and calls you statless or of you have an issue of being declaring your opinion invalid because of your cs, then grow. Because the sound of your rebuttal make it seems like it offends you. To end this, I will also say this. Though years into a project, job, or game can make a difference it is not a be all end all proof of experience or intelligence in a game. Also, after over a year of playing this game, I have learned a lot about the mechanics and gameplay as well as strategies for osw and 1v1. I will admit that I no much for EE, but this is all beside the point. The point being, you don't know me so how can you tell how smart I am compared to yourself. If you don't like the statless rants, then grow. And don't be so quick to assume someone's comment. I actually did not know your cs until you ranted about it.