Yep. Keep in mind there has not been an update to quests in years. I think they are as old as the game.
I mean, it's 10 xtals. Free $10 for a handful of dumps. It takes away eb hits, but dumping a few troops during spy only bars adds up.
You yourself have over 800 quests completed, bud. Edit: suppose I should clarify, that stat on your profile (and visible on everyone's) refers to how many times you've succeeded at a quest. When you hit the quest button once, and win, you get the "Quest Complete!" screen, and you get plus-one to the count on your profile. Finishing a quest to 100percent doesn't do anything special to your quest stat, though you may get an achievement or a bonus.
I can no longer edit the original post because xenforo character limit is lower than the old forums (so I cannot re-save a new edit). But: As of a couple years or so ago, nobs were removed as a possible random quest drop. Unsure about xtals since they were always so rare, but I assume those random rewards are also nixed.