Toast's Guide to Quests

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Toast, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Toast do you still play
  2. Good thread thanks
  3. @reach I still log in somewhat regularly to check notifications. I never do anything productive.
  4. Oh wow I didn't know you were semi-active!
  5. Nice job toast..
    What do we do when we have completed all of them?
    I've heard you still do them and you get nob points or something..
  6. So there are no reset bonuses wutsoever anymore?
  7. I like to scroll up and down this post to see the colors flash at me
  8. I was told you can redo quests for xtals I've been trying but it won't give me end bonuses. Do I have up finish all of them first? Or what? Ty for help.
  9. I haven't gotten an xtal drop in years.. Nobs are dropping like flies tho for me 
  10. Sissy, you can still get xtals while redoing already completed quests, but the drop rate is infinitesimal (around 0,1% or less, see first page).

    You won't get the xtal rewards that you got as completion bonus for certain quest levels, obviously.
  11. The devs removed the xtal bonuses at the end of quest blocks due to player abuse. You can still get random xtal drops I believe, but the rate is ridiculously low. The stat near the top of the guide is about two years old, so it's not reliable but probably a reasonable estimation still.
  12. Clarify, removed the bonuses for subsequent resets after achieving them one time. you can still get them the first run through or the first time you complete a certain quest (as in, if you got halfway through and then reset, you could still get bonuses from the second half. Just not the first.)
  13. How many xtals would you get total?
  14. 33 total I believe if you master all of them.
  15. I just Won 1 nobility - 98 to go to win a Sack 