Toast's Guide to Quests

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Toast, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Toast, my current quest to nobility ratio is 93.3 quests to every 1 nobility earned. I'm expecting that number to change as I get more data on this.
  2. Nob = nobility point
  3. Lol Toast, pretty soon your quest completions will be higher than your battle wins
  4. I have no idea what my battle wins are, so I will take your word for it :)
  5. ~15k for battles and ~12k for quests
  6. Could you put recommended stats for each quest?
  7. Dang this taut is epic what is his name?
  8. What reward u get for finishing the quest completely
  9. Willis, toast posted an long thread on this subject, and yet you ask that question? Read the goddam thread.
  10. Thank you, pat. :)
  11. There are 69 quests lol

  12. Well Made!
  13. Just to let you know, ive gotten 3 different X3 crystal drops and only 1 nob out of all my quest
  14. Actually, you've probably gotten around 24 xtals total :) judging by your quest count
  15. Im on the final quest. It is depressing.
  16. I actually finished my last quest the other day and got 500,000 and 10 crystals ... This seems accurate judging by the last i completed.
  17. I assume you mean nob. It is short for nobility point. In the future please use the question thread.