Update for KaWiversary <3 No, I'm not staying back, but I still love you guys enough to pop in for my two years
At the end of quests maybe but not in the middle like at 50% very few have gotten them in the middle of a quest everyone gets them at the end of a quest usually
@zb (guy on my wall) .73% chance for a successful quest to drop a nob so yes. @oOo Yes they do. If you start a strength spell then reset, you can smash through them. @saint No. Unless you reset.
Ive never had a nod drop during a quest. And i just conpleted my 47th quest. I something wrong or is it just my luck?
@uri You might've gotten a nob, just not noticed it perchance? That happens to me sometimes, I notice I have more nobs than before and don't know how it got there.