Toast's Guide to Quests

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Toast, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. 57 is impossible!!!!
  2. Gonna add a whole 'nother sub-part to each quest whenever I get time :)
  3. TOAST I'M UR #1 FAN!
  4. Thx :)

    what colour should the new part be?
  5. Do you know me ? : O
  6. Aren't you a writer or rper? And you're bastions friend right??
  7. No I don't write and sorta his friend I think I am but I don't think he knows
  8. Bump people pick some colours for the new part
  9. Haha. It's gonna be a number. Rainbow doesn't work for a number.
  10. Upside-down? Pink, like jigglypuff!
  11. Pink could work. And I should add an upside down section.
  12. There's currently an extra space in between quests because i put the bbcode there but still need to fill in the information