To The Silicone Gremlin and Co.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mictecacihuatl, Sep 14, 2014.

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  1. Hang on wait.... We are arguing if bootsy has a real .....? Come on now!
    Well just because I'm probably the most qualified in this area, lemme shed some light for all you plonkers.
    1- if you have larger than average, they can stay 'up' to an existent, judging by camera angle and if the back is arched will give you these helpful hints.
    2- my sis is not 30 and if you think that you seriously need those eyes checked.
    3- well I'm bored..... already...... what were we discussing?

    P.S. I have to admit the butthurt form is kind of a giggle XD.

    Holly was here
  2. I dislike the colours used. Hurts my eyes
  3. oh my almighty some real **** has just went down and i read all 8 pages of it and im confused someone tell me whats happening please
  4. People are setting brownies alight. You should run.
  5. @omg boobs is happening
  6. On the case of are boots boobs real. Having seen the pics if she paid for them she would have a good case to sue the surgeon. Without the bra would make a good belly button warmer.
  7. Lmao

    I've got friends on both sides of this "skirmish"..

    Even though I'm not a fan of trash talk;
    This thread is awesome ahahaha gotta give some props to Naomi for this, (even though strip tease won't admit it) this thread is clever.

    Not sure if best of... But good.

    Happy fighting!
  8. Matty you guys talk so much about these pictures yet no proof nothing! When you gonna actually prove what you say?
  9. I'm with naked.

    Pics or it didn't happen
  10. Lol posting tit pics to forums is probably a ban anr or silence
  11. Already been admitted in past forums by boots that she has like yourself sent pics.
  12. She has not sent nudes and those are of which you speak of.
  13. I would ask her if I were you before you make yourself look silly.
  14. Naked is always silly
  15. I like boobs o.o

    So much boobs amongst all the lovely ladies here o.o
  16. I love em too! Come on ladies don't be shy! Be like me! Hahaha mind you I don't think the world could handle many more of me than me... But but but if it could, it would be fun to be me and have lots of me running ... Nope I don't run, walking around, wouldn't it be nice if the world was Cadbury... Mmm mash potatoes. There I go again what were we talking about?
  17. Ss or it didnt happen :lol: I'm speaking of coarse about the comment on bewbs.
  18. Boobs are on topic at this point, yes?

    I think they are
  19. I find it funny that we turned a good thread into a great thread by making boobs the focus ;)
  20. No I'm talking about bewbs ... What are boobs?
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