Lmao BH your commentary is adorable. If only you checked your cr as much as you check forums. Naomi shut up and hit already or do I need to make u a pretty thread to explain how to?
Shhhhh I'm waiting for BH to catch a strip... You'll have to settle for my adorable troops until then.
Black hand is busy fighting osw... They aren't going to pull their finger out of their bum to hit your sorry ass bootsy
Awww Woifie you still haven't learned to read. I'm sure they make hooked on phonics for adults. Hell you and roni can learn together. Why don't you rejoin Black Hand? Scared of KOTFE obviously. Do share with us why you were dropped.
Actually I was helping kotfe hit bh and now I've made a point of just doing my own thing these days Anyways as I'm saying, you're all talk no bite. The inactive eb noob accounts report, hits more often than you
Facts are facts. We have run four full strips on BH while you have been making your pretty little thread. And yes, cf was requested for both...obviously I have proof or I would not suggest it.
Awww jealousy is cute Naomi. First my rack then Wolfie. Just calm down and you'll get the attention you are dying for. I'm sure pouting doesn't improve your looks.
Running Bars on a clan : $15 A Starbucks coffee to hit said clan : $7 Seeing a clan try to Change topic: Priceless