To the Lists! The 3-Day Jousting Tournament

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 19, 2015.

  1. Point.
  2. yep, support saberwulf , war system event better
  3. Why is there no opt out?this stink

  4. Deleted-Thx for help support
  5. *yawn* you still crying?
  6. Screw the top 1-10 top 100 top 500
    Just make a set of goal like 2000 roses gets you 10,000 bars and then you can collect em whenever you want. Screw this pay to play event. To get your ass to the top is to crystal' your way there. Screw this, screw you devs screw whoever made the idea to cancle EE for this garbage event screw me.
  7. This is Bs. You giving me battle list with all DTW? Where ya brains at devs? I demand a shark eb!
  8. There's a problem with the attack system. Some people can farm me but I can't attack them back because they're too weak.
  9. Devs, its better for 100 roses to form 1 garland instead of 1000

    2 bars unload only got about 100 to 150 roses lol
  10. Do not forget that this is a "test" event to iron out bugs on events page. If all these go smoothly, then it may be ready for S5. Again, we are not forced to join. Don't like it, then grow your account for S5 when it comes.
  11. is anyone else on android not able to tap on mini chest? crashes the game everytime here...
  12. This is probably due to build mechanics that you can't hit someone back, not a problem with the attack system.

    There is a thread that goes into more detail that can explain what kind of build u are, and what in what situations can another type of build hit you.

    If you have any more questions, you can contact me, or ask the community.
  14. So it's smart now to quote bypasses?
  15. Ive been unable to view for same reason
  16. They just put out an update that said it fixed crashes. Try that
  17. I want to play can anyone explain or help pm me plz
  18. Screw this. Give us our EE wars back.
  19. I wonder how to start