To the Lists! The 3-Day Jousting Tournament

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 19, 2015.

  1. lol just max xstal daily and buy the extra things from market. Not sure what it is didn't even look but will guarantee plastic will buy you better look. PVP (plastic v plastic) good luck guys !
  2. Alas poor Jesus. I never said you hated anything, so I don't see it either. However that was and still is a very pointed statement about anyone above top 100.
  3. No equip but 50k bb so... 50,000 x 22,000,000 gold. So 200b? Something like that
  4. Close.. Try a tril, ryse
  5. 10k bb is more like 200b, 50k is like 1tril in bb
  6. Learn to war because it is fun, not because you need to renew EE.
  7. You never said that I hate anything, sure. I don't see where I didn't "teach love in all things" though, whatever you mean by that. Also, I wasn't necessarily saying anything bad about anyone above Top 100. I was just poking fun at the devs on how their awesome super cheater catcher isn't super awesome at catching cheaters ;).
  8. 4 hrs in and the top three have 7, 4 & 3 garlands? That's 7k, 4k & 3k roses?

  9. Nothing special. Same tactics as the last one I've seen. This game is getting boring
  10. Last sentence is still very pointed considering your stance on top 1k. Which was honestly possible if you pinned for 6 hours a day max with whatever spell they decided last event.
  12. In case some of us couldn't read it on the very first page or what?

    Please don't quote the op.
  13. ^^ quoting op is a ban worthy offense bud.

    (Not directed to Inferno)

    Other than how the random drops I am glad the first test is for PVP.

  14. I agree. I just started doing indy wars. I don't care if I win or lose, it's just fun.
  15. So when is the update for Amazon fire going live??? Still looking at old splash screen
  16. Dammit they still won't give away names in the top spots for pvp events
  17. Someone make a sword thread.

    Without me on it.
  18. Took away the only reason most people still play.
  19. Thats why ewar participation is at an all time low.. Because everyone loves ewars

    Meanwhile theres at least 3k active accounts in osw atm, between the couple big alliance wars going. But yeah most only care for an hour war