Ok Omar let's see how many post support for S5 and how many post support for another event that looks the same ass the last 5 but only last 3 days.
And s5 wouldnt look the same as past seasons? They're all the same really just some different looks, s4 slightly different but same basics
If its a test then dont make people waste real money on ur lack of testing. This is what happened to ee
Support!! Also rewards are not too shabby for a 3 day event. LOVE the being able to steal from others. Good job devs hope this works like we all want it too.
You can participate without updating, but you won't be able to view rewards or your progress. Once the event ends, players with the event page can immediately claim their rewards by tapping a button, but those without the latest update will need to wait for rewards to be distributed at a later time.
Please keep shorter events a thing Not saying that you should get rid of the longer ones, but trying to stay up for 72hrs to attempt to get something is better than trying to stay up as much as possible for 2 weeks to just get into the Top 1k. Us non-botters need love too. ️
Because people will complain when the system messes up due to this bfe test. Cut wars a few days rather than have rage threads over poor war quality
Also, please delete EE for good so all of these whiners don't look like idiots and actually have something to cry about. Making people look dumb is a no-no and is against the ToU depending on how good of friends you are with the mods. Don't break your own rules. Do the right thing.
I thought Jesus taught love in all things. Ya might need a name change there buddy... And this non-botter earned them self some love last event. It's called effort. Earn it.
Only way to get lots of mith is to do ee. Most ppl doing pvp will need to use mith. So u turn ee off then only ppl who have stockpiled mith will have an adv and they still lose their mith they saved instead of warring and trying to get mith. What great thinking you have. All this work and you miss such simple things like ppl needing mith to pvp