After testing this with main I notice that I get 90-100 roses per unload, that means I can make 1 or 2 maximum garland per day if I don't xtal. That if I’m lucky and roses will not be stolen from me. So in my best case will get Tier 2 reward in 3 days (which is not worth it). This is a test but 3 days for a PVP event is not much, eb fairies or noobs with money can xtal and be on top without any worry that they will lose interest. Like in every PVP (plastic vs plastic) event I can see in my BL ppl 3 times bigger than me. Yes maybe I can hit them with pots but again rewards is not worth it. Ohh and It will be nice if I can opt out when I wish. LB dashboard has a good design but you guys forgot to tell how much Rampant Raider spell will last for i.e. The list can go on but I think is a waste of time. This is my last event I'm doing until I see some changes.
You're doing something wrong then, after taking part and going the maths while I had a lance I worked out that I'd get around 350 roses per hour. (30 per 5mins) Works out at 3 hours per one, so works out to be very possible to get more than one if you put enough time into the event.
Anyone have any tips I made about 1500 roses this afternoon and in the same amount of time and attacks tonight I have made 300 more. I have lost the same attacks and have won the same amount of attacks on players but only average one lot of roses every 5 to 10 successful attacks and steals is it all luck of the other player?
This, get a lance and find some targets that are open consistently and you'll be in business. Then it's just a matter putting in the time to get enough.
Done spending $ on ur crap promo devs I've dropped $30 on this one for what? Was n top 100 and one of the first to opt n now I'm outa top 100 cuz I wnt spend $100 its bs 10k bb for $30 waste of my time
I must say when the event first began I was extremely Excited and Pumped to participate and I must say the first few hours lived up to the hype. Then after those first few hours that's when problems started to occur! I noticed that I was continuously being sat on and pinned by multiple accounts that were more than double my size. Now don't get me wrong I do not mind incoming and rather enjoy it during these events but when multiple (6-7) accounts that are more than double my size are hitting me and there is no way for me to successfully hit them back it gets rather aggravating. Anyways this could be an extremely fun new type of event, just please fix the hit ranges and such. Anyways don't have the time to be active and am not motivated to do this event anymore so open for attack and steals for the rest of it. No ally hires please!
Lol i stop getting roses cuz it's pointless devs are brainless. Top #105 i gained 12-99 roses after hitting from regen in 15 minutes. Checked LB i am at #120 then #130 till i notice there was no chance in gainning but to use 24 crystals to climb back on top. Screw this event.
Again devs screw you for screwing us to pay to play to win all the events you make. Kiss my ass is all i can say.