To the Lists! The 3-Day Jousting Tournament

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 19, 2015.

  1. Allow me to requote myself for you:

    And allow me to add onto it:

    There is a 50/50 chance you will get mith in an EE war, there i a 50/50 chance you will not get mith in EE war.

    Again, you are correct in saying that they didn't do this in the past. That doesn't govern the future. For players that want everything EE related to go their way and want everything perfect, you think you'd be happy with them testing PvP actions and what not. Also, I do not spend much money on this game. That is apparent by my account.

    You seem to speak for every eh? Warring every war during a season isn't tiring? I know my top 10 friend whom has said he was still burnt out from the "push" to the top. He's actually reticulated you guys on this topic.
  2. Those complaining about ee wars are hypocrites and claiming your opinions as being objective.

    If ee wars were so much damn fun it would have a much higher participating rate. Ee is fun for some of y'all. Not the rest of the community. Sit down and shut up for a couple days y'all wanna be warrior ass hats.
  3. Don't worry AJ. Sora is a noob anyways.
  4. Haha. Spot on mate
  5. I learned long ago it's pointless to argue with people who have not evolved mentally since childhood so I won't bother.

    This game offers a variety of game-play options for those who enjoy different things.

    EE wars for those who enjoy short strategic type of wars without long term repercussions.

    OSW for those who have a lot of time & money to dedicate to the game.

    EBs for those who doesn't exactly enjoy PvP.

    People's game-play option of choice should not be cancelled for others. People should not attempt to speak for others, especially when they have little to no idea what they are talking about.

    It's almost hard to believe that someone would be stupid enough to claim that all are, were, or will be burnt out on EE wars just because they were/are or they seen someone else claim they were/are.
  6. Was wondering if at any time banner mats might be included in reward system if a banner isn't ??
  7. Aj, I know you might be slightly illiterate but if you read. Yes, read. I stated "its no easy feat"

    So by that, your statement after quoting my post just makes you seem as if you're more than slightly stupid.

  8. There's a difference between, there's always been EE since S4 ended and there hasn't always been a PvP event. You only lose three days. Three compensated days to rest up and go enjoy RL at no penalty whatsoever. Why is this such a big deal to most of you guys? Aren't you glad the developers are testing PvP?

    I was explaining how one can get burned out from constant warring day in and out and how someone you, whom you are supposedly advocating for, is still burned out from doing it during S4. I saw a great deal of players complaining about the length of S4 on other threads. But for you to claim that no one will get burned out is a false claim aswell.

    And for people whom would like to throw the VK badge in my face and tell me my words aren't so valiant, way to sling those insults out. You're not a hypocrite at all.
  9. The best one I've seen in this thread is people complaining of copy n paste events and then demanding a copy n paste war system :roll:

    Idiots for several reason and yes you're an idiot.

    1. This is a new fresh system that is being used

    2. The system you're demanding is a old copy n paste.

    3. Devs aren't the money grabbers it's you greed people complaining about other greedy people spending more than you do

    4. Name one game that doesn't use the same events over and over, can't name any? Didn't think so.

    5. Ee wars are include for the pvp events.

    And that is why you're a idiot :) now please sit down and shut up because you're making yourselves look even more stupid.
  10. I enjoy RL every day. I almost exclusively only log into the game for EE wars, EE wars do not hinder my enjoyment of EL.

    Happy devs are testing PvP.

    Don't see why EE wars could not continue during the event but it's fine either way. My life doesn't revolve around KaW. I was just stating my opinion which is the purpose of this thread being open for discussion.

    For whatever reason you just felt the need to jump on it with silly assumptions & heavy sarcasm which I can only guess you thought would make you look cool?
  11. Is there an award for biggest noob rager. I have someone on my wall that surely would win that award.. haha
  12. Speaking just for myself,

    I jumped on your post because not that long ago you did run your mouth because you were to small to be hit by the people you were going all "keyboard" warrior on.

    Fortunately today i found out you are now big enough to hit.

  13. Well I'm glad you do. If you only log in for EE then you should branch out into other aspects of the game during this three-day testing period. You might enjoy it. And if your life doesn't revolve around KaW, three days of not logging on to EE won't kill you.

    It must be a pretty heavy reason for them to do so, yes? Leave it at that. We will get to see what's up with it in the coming weeks.

    I see you ignored the fact about EE running longer than any PvP.

    I don't see how "Silly assumptions and Heavy sarcasm" calls for insults. Just return it back. Unless, you cannot.
  14. I've been in the same hit range since March. I continue to speak the same as I always have. I'm never bothered by inc, I receive it every day. It doesn't hinder my gameplay whatsoever as I never keep more allies then my max plunder & always have my max plunder banked to recovered from a strip 50+ times easily.

    Your opinion about me means nothing. I never "run my mouth". I respond to morons who think they are cool or tough now as I always have regardless of size. If you have an issue with it then hit me instead of complaining about it here.
  15. Sorry but this PvP event is a joke. It has only been on for twenty hours and the top dude already has 17,000 roses?

    Call it what you want, but that dude is Max xstalling, paying for spells, and farming some spy alt to get there. This is no competition. This is a purchase by the big spenders with the big alts. Finish this already and bring back EE. At least with EE there is some skill involved.
  16. In response to what was quoted...

    1: I've tried OSW & have 2 active 1 vs 1s going now. I do not really enjoy it as it requires too much time/dedication & the person with the most RL $ to spend on the game/bigger alliance & highest playtime will almost always win.
    EBs are alright... mostly just a means to an end to get funds for pots & some strips/growth.

    2: There wasn't really anything to respond to. Yes EE has been running longer then PvP events but it's a pointless statement as they both can be run concurrent.

    3: Generally don't really see the need to be an ass to people or make an ass of myself for no reason. Just because someone has a different opinion does not mean you need to try to force yours on them.
  17. Yup... that's what's annoying about them cancelling EE wars during this nonsense.

    Skill has never been involved in any of these "pvp" events. It's just who dedicates the most time/money.

    Earlier this year when most of my work was done online due to the weather I got #1 in the pvp event & can speak from experience that it took around 20hrs a day of pinning and 5-6 days of max xtals.

    Still waiting on season 5...
  18. Wth. How am I supposed to renew my ee level now?