To the Lists! The 3-Day Jousting Tournament

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 19, 2015.

  2. "Oh no.... 3 days of EE gone! How will I renew my EE devs??? "

    "We are testing PvP during this short 3 day event. Everyone whom has EE will be refreshed."

    "But what about me devs? I was by golly sure to war this weekend. Now I miss out on a free two week extension? Gee. Unfair."

    "S5 S5 S5 - All these PvP events same."

    How will S5 be different than the previous four? You'll be saying you're burnt out by the second week. Enjoy this free three day break.
  3. This is why vk and mods are joke. They r not for the majority of the community. No where despite all the hype and announcements did ata say that ee would be affected. We only found that out through the war schedule changing. Ppl plan their ee due to their rl patterns. Ppl ee for enjoyment and also plan for war like rosters etc. So for you to say what you have said is very ignorant esp ppl who plan rosters and rl around ee just like ppl plan for events.
  4. People still EE for fun? Dam. I got bored mid way through season 2. Pretty sure the majority just want to hit ebs. Not EE war. EE wars are derelict.
  5. Too hard for smalls, only have 100 roses 0 garlands and have been unloading for hours
  6. I understand people plan out their EE around their EE schedule and that is somewhat of a surprise. But you're missing two points.

    1. You got two weeks free EE
    2. You get three days off no penalties to purpose RL goals at no cost to your gaming whatsoever.

    What more compensation would you like?
  7. I couldn't agree more with you AJ
  8. For more than a few warriors out there EE is easy enough to retain max level and the sole reason that they war is to obtain mith.

    The devs could have compensated for this lack of mith by changing the mithril drops that the sword gives to like they were in the first shard event, but instead the mithril drops are extremely rare. I have only gotten 1 mithril drop out of 5-12 unloads on 10 different accounts.
  9. I would like a shark eb.
  10. Thank you. At least SOMEONE answers my question.
  11. Hello let's battle
  12. How do I get victory garlands?
  13. Someone wall me or pm but are we still only max hits of 5 on same person during this event?

  14. By collecting 1000 blue roses.

    There is no hit limit. Hit as much as you like. But beware, there are consequences behind certain clans you hit.

    I understand that they war for mith. Everyone has had tons of chances to war since the end of S4 to get mith. How long have these types of wars been running? And in that time period, only three of those days, you cannot get mith. Right now, with all the compensation, I believe what ever the devs are secretly testing would be beneficial right now. lol

    And I do agree that the mith sword isn't dropping as much as before. I had it for a good 4/5 hours I think and nothing.
  15. Can we please have an updated lb for this event that everyone can see. The chest link to the event page is broken and force closes every time u try and enter it.
  16. Works fine for me :roll:
  17. If only I was like you and only EE'd to renew EE spell...

    Previous events did not cause EE wars to be cancelled during the duration of the event.

    Some people do not enjoy these dev money grab events as much as you do.

    For a valiant knight, you aren't very valiant. More like a sarcastic little kid who thinks he's cool.
  18. Do the people you hit need to be participating in the event for you to collect blue roses?
  19. Yes.
  20. Honestly, the stupidest thing I've ever heard. No one ever gets burnt out during during the estoc wars. It's a constant push all season long for most. If you've ever attempted to get rancor 50 or be a top competitor for the wars you'll know it's no easy feat.

    Some of us war frequently in order to get equipment because sitting down and chasing equip ebs is redundant. Wars are fun, plain and simple.

    S5 is long overdue, and people just want a day so they can begin to prep for the season. So silence valiant dev ass kisser