Reading through all the pages of posts from the community in reaction to this event, the one conclusion I have come to is that people that play this game are illiterate, irrational, and stupid. Just plain old stupid. Number one: don't want to be stuck in event, DO NOT OPT-IN! Like seriously people. Come on! Not first PvP event that has opt-in option. Geez. Get with the program. Number two: READ! READ!! READ!!! Yes! It's not that hard. Go to forums -- events -- and click on this event!! EVERYTHING about this event is on forums. Why are people complaining? Whining? All I see on WC is... What's this event about? How do you play it? What to do now? Come on!! For the love of life, READ! Are you that lazy. Number three: stop complaining to devs. Don't like it? Click on your home button and go do something else. Stop wasting time to those who actually take 5 minutes to read what's going on, understand the event and play the game to enjoy it. Many times in the past I have read about more PvP and less PvE. Now stop complaining! Number four: STOP wanting events to be so easy. Geez. We all know it takes time to get to where we aim to be and yes others are way ahead but that's because they're playing instead of complaining. Every time a new thing comes to kaw and it's difficult, I read all the stupid comments about how unfair it is and how it stinks. It's a game people! Play it and enjoy it! Positive feedback is welcome and if you have negative feedback to Devs, don't make it personal. Keep it professional. Amen. I'm done.
11 hrs into event made my first 1000. No lance, no xtals. It was a grind but I did it so it can be done. Only 24 more times to go. Pass the meth please who needs sleep.
@suza Stop kissing ATA ass. People complain might have legit reasons. For example no EE wars because of this crap is a legit reason to complain.
@Frog: you misspelled my name but I forgive you. I am in no way kissing anybody's ass. What I speak are my opinions and observations. Plus you know I'm not lying. And EE was renewed to who ever had EE so this whole "no EE wars for this crap..." Is just another way of you whining about the event.
I believe it's a jousting terminology. The lists were the barriers that defined the battlefield in a jousting tournament. This means that "To the lists" is about heading to the battlefield in the tournament.