Size plays a large role in item payout as is, but for the next PVP event it will be even more noticeable.
If you think kissing a devs or mods butt to get a pic of a fake reward for kaw community on ur profile page is cool then i cant help you lol. but i can tell you they are making hundreds of thousands on you. They are not making CoC but they are still laughing at you ツ peace
I'm not kissing anyone's butt. I'm making a suggestion. And that suggestion is pity prizes for this event ONLY, because it was all but impossible for people who don't spend money to get even the lowest-tier reward.
As soon as I casted I was immediately sat on by 25mil attack tanks, even if they paid a tonne when I hit them the fact is that I can't hit them. Tighten the hit ranges so people like me can actually fight back.
Not really. I was getting less drops when slamming smaller players than going full pots and hitting bigger players. You need to just quit doing the "Random" drops and make it every drop and gauge the amount dropped based on size.
People spend their extra money on whatever they want. Thank you for trying to, "help" but that fact rings true.
So essentially we as a community should simple come together and only get 1 each... Hmmm food for thought
It was self explanatory....when i dropped to 110 briefly it still said current reward top 100 ...xtalled back up into the 80's to play it safe.
Actually i was ranked in the top 220 with less than 24 hours to go before i started xtslling to get top 100...maybe you just need to ne more active and stop crying
Being a moderator is a VOLUNTEER role. They are not paid, they are just volunteering their time. There is no conflict of interest and you don't seem to know what a conflict of interest is if you don't see that there isn't one.
Listen i could care less if you need a second mortgage this game. Ive made my money in this industry and i left because of it also. Now i doing useful work lol. Not coding tap games ツ
That's great. But I wasn't able to get on as much because of all kinds tests an exams at school I had to study for. And I'm too cheap to pay for anything. So I'm hoping that we get some kind of pity prize. I'm not that upset. Did I want to get stuff? Yeah. Was I willing to spend money/ fail school to get it? No indeed. Nothing lost, nothing gained, no problems, no bad feelings.