I never thought about that. Is there gonna be at least a small pity prize for folks like me who didn't get 1 xstals? It would make us smells very appreciative.
How about tightening the hit ranges or at least penalizing hitting a certain amount below your size. Getting hits in a pvp event expected,being sat on because you pay well, expected,, being sat on by several 50-60mil tanks, that's just not even fun, there's no competition or challenge in that. Part of the fun I get from pvp is hitting someone and exchanging hits seeing who can win more or pin faster when it's lopsided with one account that's 3x larger that fun goes away.
I'm with this guy. That and that other devilishly handsome genius named greatkingfrank who suggested pity prizes.
I am so torn.....i refuse to upgrade to the new KAW cause I THINK when devs push these promos, they tweak mechanics and encourage us to upgrade....just a sneaky suspiscion i have based on past event/crap that happens.......but i want my new toys......aaaauuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh
Omg. Most pathetic event in kaw history. So freakin funny seeing the dummys who spent hundreds in xtals get virtually no reward for paying the devs mortgage. Now that is some funny shiz there lol. Its an app you play in the doctors office ppl. Its a game that you tap with your finger hehe. Wow im literally in tears. Take it from an ex G5 dev, we laugh at you ppl every time we cash a check. I actually build real apps now for the auto industry. Pretty sad display im seeing. No clue how all these kids get mommy n daddys credit card ツ peace lemmings
I didn't spend a dime. I just hit as many people as I could as fast as I could. But I couldn't play much because I had to take exams for school, and a lot of folks who are in school probably had the same issue. I do agree that a lot of people spent thousands and they did really well, but not folks like me.
Ok. Cause I don't think I'm all that upset about no rewards. I love PVP. And I had a good time hitting folks.
Tryin to help you guys. If you post negative feedback we will fix the problems. If you kiss our rich butts we walk all over you. Wake up homeys