to the devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXxOUT_Zerogrim_LAWZxXx, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. This is just pushing the point onto the devs more
  2. I wanna be a shadow hansel when I grow up
  3. Fair enough, Kick. My last off topic post. OMET thanks for the inc, though a few scouts doesn't do as much as you hope. See ya in your newsfeed. ️
  4. Kicken  sure thing mate.
  5. Well, come up with a solution to balance wars better

    There's one somewhere in the Ideas Section, and I've developed another. Both make skill the deciding factor in wars again rather than builds, but I've been unable to solve a few of the matchup exploits I noted within the system.
  6. I will admit, ee wars do favor big builds, but i do not think anything needs to be done.
    If anything needs to be done at all it's that there need to be two sections for wars enter. an eb clan = less mith payout or half of ee lvl 1
    And war clan = full mith and ee lvl.
    Just ideas.
  7. I will also say this, before Hf, in season 1
  8. Ty kick Omet king and others for coming back onto topic.
  9. Rest of message got cut off, before hf, ee wars were still good, after hf mids got screwed.
  10. To sholron could u maybe link to your post on fix for easy links Ty
  11. I haven't posted mine in forums yet, because I haven't solved the matchup exploits
  12. Gotcha and understand... Still if u don't mind could upmost what u have so far maybe the kaw munity can't help
  13. Upmost =
    Post stupid phone
  14. there are other things than ee war you know

    if you suck at that maybe ee isn't your thing and you should go and do ebs

    and just so you know its more about you and your clan your warring with rafter than the devs so maybe ***** and complain to your clan than forums :roll:
  15. Heh I don't suck in ee or war nor does my clan that I war with. It's not just me that dislike system as is. As for other things then warring.... Ummmm this is a war game based game sure u can allie trade ad do
    Ebs but is the whole point of the game to war whether system our outside system war? No disrespect sir but I reject your reality and insider my own lol jk.

    As for posting in forums on this I'm sorry u dislike the posts I have made. Ignore them I guess.
  16. @Omet - The system should already do that for us. If "war clans" aka LB/small only rosters would only match with clans with the same lineups the issue would be moot. But that would also completely defeat the purpose of those clans strategy to game the system for easy matchups.

    The point everyone is trying to make is simple. The only way to beat a stacked roster is to stack your own. Leaving two options -

    1. Spend thousands of rl money to become a LB member - most can't/won't do that.
    2. Drop build in order to help 2-3 LB's get easy matches - anyone that has put any real effort into their build would never consider this.

    Dividing EE into tiers could solve that problem, but that also would limit the roster makeups even more. Plus, then we'd all have to hear small builds complaining how they don't get easy victories anymore. Unless I've misunderstood how you would divide these tiers. If so, pls explain. Cause I think a division that only had stacked rosters would be hilarious. How long would that last? Lol

    No more easy victories = no point in stacking
  17. You should only win if your strong...
  18. I think that's BS - you should win if you're good, not just because you're stronger or choose a certain build. That's a system I'd prefer over the current one.
  19. Not all clans do that is problem, most good war clans have specific set up to keep from warring other good clans.