to the devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXxOUT_Zerogrim_LAWZxXx, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. I see a lot of cry baby's on this thread,
    So cry me a river. Build a bridge an get over it.
    I said the same thing, i was 10m cs so i dropped build simple as that now look i have ee lvl 5, loads of mith, and a TON of moth from winning.
  2. Let's humor ourselves and say we get "fair" matches where it is a "pure 50-50" chance of winning.

    mith: when you win, you get mith, when you lose, you break even

    Rancor: basically no one will reach full rancor with a +2, -1, +2, -1. Unless, of course you don't have a job and family. No job, devs don't need you.

    Gold: let's face it, you'll never break even vs pot loss

    EE:: meaningless. Reach level 1, drop to level 0, reach level 1, drop to level 0. EE is useless in a 50-50 chance of winning system. And of you don't make gold ftom EE,, then forget pot replacement and growth.

    Therefore, no support to GH complaints. They've been hit twice, LB once and the winning clans adjusted and the losing clans did not.

    Maybe mids should learn rather than complain. Get some GH and setup a mid/GH roster to avoid the LB/GH roster (most advice you'll get from me. Figure more out yourself). Put some work into winning.
  3. Congrats, I could change my build and look like a newb too. But I prefer to follow what the devs say and continue to grow, then laugh when they send another nerf your way before S3 lol.

    Good luck with your, ah, build strategy...
  4. You guys all complain to much that its builds and what someone pays...
    Let me prove you wrong, in one of my last wars, we warred a group who were all above 16m cs. Our smallest guy was too small to hit their smallest, and we had 5 gh/sh builds who could not get plunder on other side. We still won. How? Strategy and teamwork.
    Go ahead check out the war 
  5. I stopped reading when he spelled ridiculous wrong
  6. That just means their guys couldn't hit yours either. Big whoop, you further manipulated the system. What did you "too small" accounts do? Scout bomb I'm assuming.
  7. Very, very, very well said OMET.
  8. Wit king, the difference is that i make more gold then you due to the fact my plunder is almost double with EE:5, plus my assassination payout. Then i can tell you that because im not growing and bc buying pots is so easy, im banking everything i make in allies, guess what? That does not mean im not growing. It means im investing and anytime i want i could easily change back.
  9. King your a noob
    Have you ever even warred?
    If he is too small to hit them it means that when he goes to attack them it said "defender too strong" It actually does not help us, bc a gh/sh is a very valuable spy in war, i can get through a 5k sdt or 5m static spy, dont matter. Now if they were to attack him they would have wasted troops or spies, and made nothing.
  10. OMET's School of EE is now in session
  11. Lol ok to the last2 posts... You just confirmed the issue at hand and set on the table or me and others.

    1. Only way to win is conform to the lb bigs gh setup wich the devs the self have said they do not want. Aka wanting people to gro.

    2. Like stated several times its not the gh nor the bigs that there is issues people have. It's that simply put mid sized kimgdoms have no place in ee.

    3. I do not believe mid size gh only can even get matches due to the roster sizes put out there but I can give u that... But here we go again..... Why gh again even with your own setup. Are u saying that gh are now requirement to be successful? You have no issue with this? Personally I have issues with this.

    I'm sorry if it seams I'm jumping down ur throat for ur opinion and I mean no disrespect. It just seams that the eluding to the fact that there is only one roster type that is playable in ee no strat or skill required when facing apponent a outside of that build and worst of all that build excluding alot of those that Wish too ee.

    The whole point of this thread is for those rl who do not wish to convert to gh just to ee.

    Again sorry for the rant here got a
    Nerv heh.
  12. Support to OP... This is not about crying about losing - anyone who has done ee (except perhaps for those in elite ee clans) has endured plenty of losses and come back to try again. The issue here is whether ee will be restricted to certain build types and roster stacking strategies. If that's what the kaw community and devs want then no problem. But a practical consequence is that many people who enjoy the diversity available in builds, and who do not want to conform to a limited set of options in build and strategy, or who can not easily afford to tear down and rebuild to meet the most recent way of working the ee system - these ppl may sit ee out. So if the kaw community and devs want the greatest possible access to ee - then this is a very important problem to solve. If not, then as always those who want to ee regardless of its limitations - or who enjoy the current options - will do it ... And the rest of us will look elsewhere for our pleasure in the game.
  13. Ok I take your challenge both of you.... Place 3 or more 8-14m cs members in your roster... If facing a clan build of the bigs/smalls I bet my account you lose
  14. I agree, I sent feedback, I no longer war, and will not. Done. My build is useless as long as GH can scout bomb my spies and get past my adt, they make huge plunder off me. Troll if you like, I don't care. My last 32 pack of xstals will be used on escape until this is addressed. Full support OP.
  15. It is not the dev's fault @op that this is what ee is. This is what it has become, if you try to get into a clan like S.O.T.R.A, you have to have a trial tee, where they do multiple things, check how you war and even make you change your build around to fit what they beed and get rid of holes in your build.
    Its like me saying that for 3 years ive played this game and i haven't bc'd ever. The devs dont want me to bc. No its just what they do to improve the game. Personally i like where ee has gone, how do you think clans that have same set up war? It is very competitive, has a lot of strategy, and its a fight to the finish. EE and rancor is for those who work for it, if you don't want to work for it, I'm sorry. But you can blame GH/SH and those who did grow for the fact that mids get creamed in war. Gh/SH was created to make it so you are dtw to big people but can take out mids and other gh's spy. Mids got caught in the cross fire. Nobody is telling you not to grow, by all means go grow, then come ee when your done.
  16. @sword if choas, how many battles do they lose against you before they win on attck? Yah.. Exactly, when i war people i have to hit huge guys all the time, i win maybe 1/10 battles and on top of that there are multiple people hitting him/her makes sense for me to win one. Along with that if you have a 100% chance of winning against someone, plus the fact they dont have adp you should not get 20mil. ️
  17. The mid/gh was an EXAMPLE. Play with the roster, figure out how to avoid the LB/GH roster. You are proving my point. "I don't want to change, therefore change the system so I win." This won't work either. Believe me, no disrespect intended with that statement.

    I have a hybrid, Hansel, and atk along with a >2yr old gh. Only one is warring regularly. The group allows me to test to see what works best. Again, do the work, figure it out.

    When devs make a change, the successful will adjust and others will not and will complain. Look back at the posts. Paraphrased: "EB build doesn't work for EE and don't have the time to change rosters and builds."

    The system makes it worth winning and not worth losing. There has to be winners and losers. Therefore losers will leave and complain and only winning clans will be left with close matches. the change is simply not a LB/GH issue.
  18. Omets clan is the perfect example of the match up roster exploit. There is no real mid build on the roster. Look at the difference in the plunder for the war.

    I am not blaming a specific build type. It's a flaw in the system that allows it to happen like it does. I know the system will never be 100% perfect and there is always a way to manipulate it.

    The GH nerf only affected the EBs stats and drop rates IMO which doesn't matter because those GH that war in EE are being picked up by the exploiting clan. They get lvl 5EE which puts them back to what it was before Nerfed anyway.

    On a side note. Omet you talk a tough game but anyone who drops their build from 10mil cs to what you are now is a truely pathetic fighter. Only reason you have the EE lvl you do if because of the match up exploit. You sucked as a 10mil cs in war so dropped because you don't have either the time or the money to get the big build for war. Your fine with just being carried to victory. Don't brag about what you have. It was handed to you by exploiters of the match up system. Thanks for posting and proving our points with validity.
  19. Re: to the dev

    Look at clan irae infinitus last war, we had a large amount of spy builds in that clan 2-3 builds were pure spy and 1 a hansel, we still won. Its strategy mate not the builds
  20. Ok good points Omet..... Can't deny gotta work for ee... And what your saying is... Case and point bigs smalls only.... Exclude all
    Mid sized and hansel builds because they don't work in ee..... Sorry I can't get over that problem in my head... Lol. But ur right I can not ee until I completely change my build wich if ee is not addressed and ballancwd more means I will have to do just that